产品规格0.5-300 ,安徽天缆电气有限公司
产品用途:安徽天缆电气有限公司,技术咨询:13965984935 郭经理
2、无毒无害交联聚乙烯绝缘防白蚁电力电缆产品其它技术要求符合本公司标准Q/321023KLA46-1999中的有关规定。 本产品适用于在白蚁危害区的电厂、发电站和长距离电力传输系统,特别是在环保要求高的埋地和管道敷设的电力线路防白蚁。防鼠电缆,防白蚁电缆主要是在特定的使用条件下,防止老鼠或白蚁对电缆的损伤。确保安全供电,(含低烟无卤电线电缆)使用包括:电站,城市,车站。码头粮库。机车车辆。轮住宅区,南方温暖,潮湿地区,防鼠,防蚁电缆的措施,主要有化学防蚁(药物防鼠),物理防鼠(在电缆结构上进行改进,如采用金属护套等 )和终合防鼠(化学防鼠相结合)等,我公司主要采用化学方法,安徽天缆电气有限公司在电缆的护套中加入无化工害的防鼠剂和(或)防蚁剂,使安装与常规电缆相同,防鼠剂和(或)剂具有较长的使用寿命.安徽天缆电气有限公司该专利系列产品从多种天然植物中提取的防鼠防蚁驱避剂,经多次复合加入聚烯烃电缆护套材料中,使电缆外护套含储一种辛辣异味,鼠、蚁类动物接触电缆时,使其嗅觉神经受到刺激而厌弃接触,对其电线电缆自动避让,起到防鼠、防蚁保护电缆的目的。
原单项防鼠或单项防蚁电缆是采用含剧毒药物作为外护套材料,对破坏电缆、光缆的鼠、蚁类动物进行毒杀,且药物毒性时效很短,虽暂时毒杀鼠、蚁,但电缆、光缆已被破坏,且在使用时污染水土及空间环境(国家已明文规定禁止使用含剧毒药物的电缆产品)本公司研制的具有辛辣异味的无毒驱避剂,只驱避鼠、蚁,且无毒无害,不污染环境,能与无卤低烟阻燃聚烯烃或(PE、PVC)材料相结合,是一种新型环保型产品。 安徽天缆电气有限公司产品防鼠防蚁效果安全可靠,稳定持久。经检验及运行试验证明,该产品具有显着的防鼠防蚁效果。含有异味的防鼠防蚁驱避剂经多次复合,加入电缆、光缆外护套材料中,效力含储持久性强,经国家电线电缆监督检验中心检验、上海复旦大学医学院实验动物科学部防鼠试验、中国科学院上海昆虫研究所防蚁试验结果证明:防鼠防蚁效能与电缆使用年限相等,不少于30年,是原单项防鼠或防蚁电缆效能年限的10倍。
Rated voltage up to and including 35kV mouseproof or termiteproof powercable
产品标准 Standard
本产品按GB12706- 9《额定电压35kv 及以下铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》、GB2951.38-86《电线电缆白蚁试验方法》、Q/320282DCE014-2000《防鼠 电线电缆》标准生产。
电缆的型号 Type of cable 型号 Type 额定电压 Rated voltage 名称 Designation
铜芯 Copper conductor 铝芯 Aluminum conductor
FSH-VV FSH-VLV 0.6/KV 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated , PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FYH-VLY 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated , PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 PVC insulated , PE sheathed temiteproof power cable
FSH-VV22 FSH-VLV22 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated ,steel tape armoured, PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-VV23 FYH-VV23 FSH-VLV23 FYH-VLV23 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE shesthed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 PVC insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-VV32 FSH-VLV32 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-VV33 FYH-VV33 FSH-VLV33 FYH-VLV33 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV FSH-YJLV 6/1KV ~ 26/35KV 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV FYH-YJY FSH-YJLV FYH-YJLV 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, el wire ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV22 FSH-YJLV22 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV23 FYH-YJV23 FSH-YJLV23 FYH-YJLV23 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV32 FSH-YJLV32 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured ,PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV33 FYH-YJV33 FSH-YJV33 FYH-YJLV33 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电力电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
使用特性 Operating characteristics
Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor.
PVC insulated:70,XPLE insulated :90
Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor (5s )
·The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0。
·The bending radius of a cable 。
·single –core cables should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter , others not less than 15 times of the cable
Mouseproof cable is eligible ,because they have passed the mouseproof examination of national quality test center of wire and cable and animal experiment graduate school of university of medicinal science in Shanghai .
Termiteproof power cable is passed through GB2951.38-86.
Adopting advanced chemic way of ratproofing ,mouseproof or termiteproof cable have many virtue ,such as easy machining \construction 、easy maintenance and light weight etc.
They have lower wirulence and cannot bring pollution ,moreover cannot bring twice disaster to people and entironment.
·防鼠 防白蚁有效期长,可达二十年以上。
They have awfully longger period of validity on mouseproof or temiteproof hand, their period of validity are all of twenty years.
Our company can product fire – retardant and flame – retardant wire and cable according to user requirement.
生产范围 型号 Type 额定电压 KV Rated voltage 电缆芯数 No. of coers
1 2
3 4.3+1 5.3+2.4+1
铜芯 Copper conductor 铝芯 Aluminum conductor 导体线芯标称截面
Nominal cross – section of conductor mm2
- -
FSH-VLV 0.6/1
1.5-800 2.5-800 1.5-300 2.5-300 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400
FSH-VLY,FYH-VY 1.5-800 2.5-800 1.5-300 2.5-300 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400