  • 规格:200023
  • 发货地:河南
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1吨
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      AM聚丙烯酰胺的合成及工艺物理特性:PAM由丙烯腈与水在骨架铜催化剂作用下直接反响生成聚丙烯酰胺再经离子交流聚合单调,等工序即得废品,工艺简介如下:催化剂:催化水合CH2=CHCN+H2O 湿度 CH2=CHCONH2 聚合nCH2=CHCONH2-引发剂-CH2CHCONH2




      用途: 1、污水处理剂  当悬浮性污水显酸性时,采用非离子聚丙烯酰胺作絮凝剂较为合适,这是PAM起吸附架桥作用,使悬浮的粒子产生絮凝沉淀,达到净化污水的目的。也可用于自来水的净化,尤其是和无机絮凝剂配合使用,在水处理中效。

            2、纺织工业助剂  添加一些化学品可配成化学资料,用于纺织品上浆。

            3、防沙固沙  将非离子聚丙烯酰胺溶成0.3%浓度加入交联剂,喷洒在沙漠上可起到防沙固沙的作用。

            4、土壤保湿剂  用作土壤保湿剂和各种改性聚丙烯酰胺的基础原料。


      用途:1、污泥脱水   根据污泥性质可选用本产品的相应牌号,可有效在污泥进入压滤之前进行重力污泥脱水。脱水时,产生絮团大,不粘滤布,在压滤时不流散、用量少、脱水效率高、泥饼含水率在80%以下。

               2、污水和有机废水的处理  本产品在酸性或碱性介质中均呈现阳电性,这样对污水中悬浮颗粒带阴电荷的污水进行絮凝沉淀,澄清是极为有效的,如酒精厂废水、啤酒厂废水、味精厂废水、制糖厂废水、肉食品厂废水、饮料厂废水、纺织印染厂的废水等。用阳离子聚丙烯酰胺要比用阴离子聚丙烯酰胺,非离子聚丙烯酰胺或无机盐效果要高数倍或数十倍,因为这类废水普遍带有阴电荷。

               3、自来水厂水处理絮凝剂  该产品具有用量少、效果好、成本低等特点。特别是和无机絮凝剂复配使用效果更好。

               4、油田化学品  如粘土防膨剂、油田酸化用稠化剂品等。(PAM) is a linear water-soluble polymer, which is one of the most widely used varieties of water-soluble polymer compounds. PAM and its derivatives can be used as efficient flocculants, thickeners, paper enhancers and liquid drag reducing agents. They are widely used in water treatment, paper making, petroleum, coal, mining, metallurgy, geology, light textile, construction and other industrial sectors.
      Nonionic polyacrylamide
      Uses: 1. When the suspended sewage is acidic, it is more appropriate to use non-ionic polyacrylamide as flocculant. This is because PAM acts as an adsorption bridge to make suspended particles flocculate and precipitate, so as to purify the sewage. It can also be used to purify tap water, especially in combination with inorganic flocculants, and has the best effect in water treatment.
      2. Adding some chemicals to textile industry auxiliaries can be used to compose chemical data for textile sizing.
      3. Dissolve non-ionic polyacrylamide into 0.3% concentration and add crosslinking agent in sand control and sand fixation. Spraying on desert can play a role in sand control and sand fixation.
      4. Soil moisturizers are used as basic materials of soil moisturizers and various modified polyacrylamides.
      Cationic polyacrylamide:

      Usage: 1. Sludge dewatering can choose the corresponding brand of this product according to the nature of sludge, which can effectively dewatering gravity sludge before the sludge enters the filter press. When dewatering, it produces large flocs, non-sticking filter cloth, non-dispersing, less dosage, high dewatering efficiency and less than 80% moisture content of mud cake.
      2. The treatment of sewage and organic wastewater shows positive electricity in acidic or alkaline medium, so flocculation and precipitation of sewage with negative charge of suspended particles in sewage is very effective, such as wastewater from alcohol factory, brewery, monosodium glutamate factory, sugar factory, meat food factory, beverage factory and textile printing and dyeing factory. Cationic polyacrylamide is several or tens of times more effective than anionic polyacrylamide, nonionic polyacrylamide or inorganic salts, because such wastewater generally has negative charges.
      3. Water treatment flocculant in Waterworks has the characteristics of low dosage, good effect and low cost. Especially, the combination of inorganic flocculant and inorganic flocculant has better effect.
      4. Oilfield chemicals such as clay anti-swelling agents and thickeners for oilfield acidification.
      5. Paper reinforcer cationic PAM is a water-soluble cationic polymer containing carbamoyl group. It has the functions of reinforcement, retention and filter aid. It can effectively improve the strength of paper. At the same time, the product is also a highly effective dispersant.
      Anionic polyacrylamide
      Uses: 1. Industrial wastewater treatment has the best effect on sewage treatment, such as coarse suspended particles, high concentration, positive charges of particles, neutral or alkaline PH value of water, iron and steel plant wastewater, electroplating plant wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, coal washing wastewater, etc.
      2. Drinking water treatment in many Waterworks of our country comes from rivers. The content of sediment and minerals is high and turbid. Although it can't meet the requirements after sedimentation and filtration, it needs to add flocculant. The dosage of flocculant is 1/50 of inorganic flocculant, but the effect is several times that of inorganic flocculant. Inorganic flocculant and cationic flocculation of our company can be used for river water seriously polluted by organic matter. The effect of acrylamide is better.
      3. Recycling of lost starch grains in starch factories and alcohol factories now contains a lot of starch in the wastewater of many starch factories. Anionic polyacrylamide is added to flocculate and precipitate starch particles, and then the precipitate is filtered into cake shape by pressure filter, which can be used as feed. Alcohol in alcohol factories can also be dehydrated by anionic polyacrylamide and reclaimed by pressure filter.

               5、 造纸助剂  阳离子PAM纸张增强剂是一种含氨基甲酰基的水溶性阳离子聚合物,具有增强、助留、助滤等功能,可有效地提高纸的强度,同时该产品也是一种高效分散剂。


      用途:1、工业废水处理  对于悬浮颗粒较粗、浓度高、粒子带阳电荷,水的PH值为中性或碱性的污水,钢铁厂废水、电镀厂废水、冶金废水、洗煤废水等污水处理,效果

           2、饮用水处理  我国很多自来水厂的水源来自江河,泥沙及矿物质含量高,比较浑浊,虽经过沉淀过滤,仍不能达到要求,需要投加絮凝剂,投加量是无机絮凝剂的1/50,但效果是无机絮凝剂的几倍,对于机物污染严重的江河水可采用无机絮凝剂和我公司的阳离子聚丙烯酰胺配合使用效果更好。

          3、淀粉厂及酒精厂的流失淀粉酒糟的回收  现在很多淀粉厂的废水内含淀粉很多,现投加阴离子聚丙烯酰胺,使淀粉微粒絮凝沉淀,然后将沉淀物经压滤机压滤变成饼状,可作饲料,酒精厂的酒精也可采用阴离子聚丙烯酰胺脱水,压滤进行回收。


      运用聚合氯化铝处理了造纸进程由酸性改为中、碱性规模,纸浆中的阴离子杂质的问题,纸机操作以及纸质量的一系列问题,聚合氯化铝带有阳电荷,可以有效的控制阴离子的作用,有利于纸张滤水性 改善,聚合氯化铝极容易在纤维外表形成吸附,还可以将带有负电荷的填料和纤维吸附,使细料的藏着率有效的提高,浆料的滤水功效得到进一步的改善好的粘附力。由于以上性能PAM普遍应用于絮凝、增稠、减阻、拟胶、粘结、阻垢等范畴 。







          最新型的水处置剂聚丙烯酰胺,在很多场所处置污水和上水时,阴离子聚丙烯酰胺和阳离子聚丙烯酰胺配合运用要比单独运用一种离子型聚丙烯酰胺产生十分显著和协同效应,PAM对降低外表张力的才干要远远大于同条件下阳离子或阴离子单独存在的才干,为抵达降低外表张力的央求,需求同时运用阴离子和阳离子聚丙烯酰胺,便两者如运用不当,会产生白色沉淀物,失去运用效果 。而PAM具有两性离子的特性,它能够完成阴离子、阳离子的配合协同作用,面没有任何沉淀物的产生,特别是对水质状况比拟复杂或水的性质经常变化的,运用PAM作为处置絮凝剂更为便当,效果更好。

          在污水预处置中采用的污泥取自以钱塘江水为水源的沉淀池,该水厂以聚合氯化铝PAC为絮凝剂。污泥经自然浓缩到含固率为2.7%~2.8%,经测定,污泥中有机物含量为12.1%,sj如含量为52.1%,Al。含量为20.2%。 PAM有阳离子型、阴离子型和非离子型三品种型。非离子型PAM溶解速度较慢,普通不用于污泥预处置,因而实验仅选用两种有代表性的阳离子聚丙烯酰胺和阴离子聚丙烯酰胺。阳离子型PAM分子量1200万,丙烯酰胺单体含量0.012%。阴离子型PAM分子量1250万,丙烯酰胺单体含量0.013%。两种PAM配制浓度均为0.05%%,冰箱冷藏24h后运用。

          (1)PAM预处置污泥取lOOml污泥,放入300ml的烧杯中,采用六联搅拌机以1130rpm的转速快 速搅拌30s后疾速投加~定量制备好的PAM,继续以lOOrpm的转速搅拌30s, 然后降低搅拌机转速到20~30rpm慢速搅拌60s促进絮凝。分别测定预处置后污泥的比阻、毛细吸水时间(CST)、过滤液的粘度和离心液的粘度。


          (3)为了降低比阻,进步污泥脱水效果,在污泥脱水前普通均需对污泥中止预处置。污泥预处置的办法有冰冻一冻结预处置、热处置、酸处置、碱处置、石灰预处置和高分子絮凝剂预处置等,其中高分子絮凝剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM) 预处置是目前国内外采用最普遍的预处置办法。

          (4) 聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂预处置普通占整个污泥处置费用较高的比例,因而,聚丙烯酰胺的优化选择和投加率的合理肯定对降低污泥预处置费用相当关键。对选择聚丙烯酰胺的实验办法的研讨已展开多年,包括比阻、CST值、污泥流变性、分别液粘度、活动电流等。The synthesis and process physical properties of AM polyacrylamide: PAM is prepared by direct reaction of acrylonitrile with water under the action of framework copper catalyst, and then dried by ion exchange polymerization. The process is as follows: catalyst: catalytic hydration CH2 = CHCN + H2 humidity CH2 = CHCONH2 polymerization nCH2 = CHCONH2 - initiator - CH2CHCONH2
      Industrial uses of polyacrylamide: Polyacrylamide (PAM) has high molecular weight, good water solubility, adjustable molecular weight, and can introduce various ionic groups to obtain specific properties. Low molecular weight is an effective additive or stabilizer for dispersing materials. High molecular weight is an important flocculant. It can produce hydrophilic and water-insoluble gel, which has good adhesion to many groups of surface and dissolved substances. Because of the above properties, PAM is widely used in flocculation, thickening, drag reduction, glue imitation, bonding, scale inhibition and other fields.
      Anionic polyacrylamide can be used in different molecular weights according to different uses and user's requirements for product performance.
      In industrial wastewater treatment, especially for suspended particles, coarser, high concentration, positive charged particles, neutral and alkaline wastewater such as iron and steel plant wastewater, electroplating plant wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, coal washing wastewater and other wastewater treatment effect is very good.
      In drinking water treatment. The water source of many Waterworks in our country is low in mud and high in mineral content, which is turbid. Although it has been treated by precipitation, it still can not meet the requirements. Flocculants are needed to make the water quality clear. Many waterworks use inorganic flocculants, but the amount of inorganic flocculants is large, resulting in poor effect of sludge increase. Anionic polyacrylamide  acrylamide monomer was 0.012%. The molecular weight of anionic PAM was 12.5 million and the content of acrylamide monomer was 0.013%. The concentration of two kinds of PAM is 0.05%. They are used after refrigeration for 24 hours.
      (1) PAM pretreatment sludge takes lOml sludge and puts it into a 300 ml beaker. Six-unit mixers are used to mix at 1130 RPM speed for 30 seconds, and then the PAM is added to the sludge quickly and quantitatively. The PAM is stirred at lOOrpm speed for 30 seconds, then the speed of the mixer is reduced to 20-30 rpm and the slow stirring speed is 60 seconds to promote flocculation. The specific resistance of pretreated sludge, capillary water absorption time (CST), the viscosity of filtrate and the viscosity of centrifuge were measured.
      (2) The specific resistance is tested by Brinell funnel according to the test method proposed by Coackley. The diameter of Brinell funnel is 80 mm. The filter paper is made of 70 mm medium speed filter paper. The vacuum degree of the test is controlled to 0.01 MPa. The experiment was repeated three times to get the average value.
      (3) In order to reduce specific resistance and improve sludge dewatering effect, sludge should be pretreated before sludge dewatering. Sludge pretreatment methods include freeze-thaw pretreatment, heat treatment, acid treatment, alkali treatment, lime pretreatment and polymer flocculant pretreatment. Polymer flocculant polyacrylamide (PAM) pretreatment is the most widely used pretreatment method at home and abroad.


          (6)依据CST值变化肯定PAM最投加率与测定比阻得到的最投加率分歧。并且CST值与比阻之间存在线性相关关系,比阻值越大,CST值越大,因而能够采用CST值来近似替代污泥比阻反映污泥的脱水性能。与比阻相比,cST值测定快速、烦琐,不但适用于实验室研讨,还可用于消费现场,快速理解污泥脱水性能的变化,使操作人员及时调楚PAM投加率,俭省药剂费。is used as flocculant, and the dosage is inorganic flocculant. One fiftieth of the flocculants, but the effect is several times to dozens of times that of inorganic flocculants. Especially the polyacrylamide produced by our company, the residual monomers have reached the food grade (less than 0.05%), close to the advanced level abroad, non-toxic, more suitable for the treatment of drinking water, and better for the use of organic pollutants polluted river water and anionic polyacrylamide.
      Polyacrylamide is used to recover lost starch and distiller's grains in starch and alcohol factories. At present, the starch in the waste water discharged by many starch factories is very high. After discharging, it affects the environment, wastes resources, and adds PAM to make starch precipitate. The precipitate is filtered by pressure filter to become cake and can be used as feed. A large number of distillers'grains in the alcohol factories are processed by this process. A certain alcohol factory in Heilongjiang Province uses polyacrylamide as flocculant, which recycles the distillers' grains and obtains a great deal of experience. Economic benefits.
      Polyacrylamide is used as water shutoff agent for profile control and water shutoff in Oilfield and oil displacement agent for tertiary oil recovery.
      Polyacrylamide is used as paper-making additive. PAM is widely used in paper-making. It can be used as long fiber paper-making dispersant, wet and dry reinforcing agent, retention aid, filter aid and flocculant of paper-making wastewater.
      The latest type of water treatment agent polyacrylamide, when treating sewage and water in many occasions, the combination of anionic polyacrylamide and cationic polyacrylamide has a very significant and synergistic effect than using one kind of ionic polyacrylamide alone. The ability of PAM to reduce surface tension is much greater than the ability of cations or anions existing alone under the same conditions. For the requirement of low surface tension, both anionic and cationic polyacrylamide need to be used at the same time. If they are used improperly, white precipitates will be produced and the effect of using them will be lost. PAM has the characteristics of amphoteric ions. It can complete the coordination of anions and cations. There is no precipitate on the surface. Especially, it is more convenient to use PAM as a flocculant because of the complex water quality or the changeable nature of water.
      The sludge used in sewage pretreatment is taken from the sedimentation tank with Qiantang River water as its source of water, and PAC is used as a flocculant in the water plant. The sludge was naturally concentrated to a solid content of 2.7%-2.8%. The organic matter content in the sludge was 12.1%, SJ content was 52.1%, Al content was determined. The content was 20.2%. There are three types of PAM: cationic, anionic and nonionic. Non-ionic PAM dissolves slowly and is generally not used for sludge pretreatment. Therefore, only two representative cationic polyacrylamides and anionic polyacrylamides are selected in the experiment. The molecular weight of cationic PAM was 12 million and the content of

          (7)不管是阳离子聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂还是阴离子聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂,随着投加率的增加,滤液和离心液粘度都呈现与比阻和CST值类似的变化规律,呈现了明显的最小值,而且该最小值对应投加率与污泥比阻和CS率根本分歧。该办法断定快速、简单,而且还有可能用作消费上在线控制PAint最 佳投加率的参数,但其在消费上的应用还需做进一步的实验研讨。










      聚合氯化铝  聚丙烯酰胺  聚合硫酸铁  醋酸钠  硫酸锌  葡萄糖  硫酸亚铁 



      阳离子聚丙烯酰胺价格在 14500-35000元/吨

  • 0571-87774297