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简要说明:哈纳牌的pH255意大利哈纳HANNA pH255台式酸度计Acidity meter产品:估价:0,规格:pH255,产品系列编号:齐全



pH255意大利哈纳HANNA pH255台式酸度计Acidity meter


是哈纳最新推出的一款高品质多参数测量仪器。使用这款仪器您可以同时测量样品的pH, TDS, ORP, 盐度和温度。进行酸度测量时,仪器自动进行温度补偿。仪器可以在5 个记忆点中选择1, 2或3 个校准点进行自动校准,从而保证测量值更精确。进行EC 测量是,仪器可在两个参考温度中(20°C 或25°C)选择并进行温度补偿。仪器会自动根据样品选择最合适的EC 及TDS 量程,同时EC 测量可以在6 个记忆点中选择1 点进行校准。HI255 具有可存储200 组测量数据的功能,所有存储的数据都可以通过RS232 接口输入电脑并可进行打印。HI255 还具有GLP 功能,所有的校准数据都可以按照用户意愿随时调出。
技 术 指 标 
型  号 pH255
测量项目  酸度、氧化还原(ORP) 技术指标
测量范围   -2.00 to 16.00pH; -2.000 to 16.000pH; ORP: ±699.9mv; ±2000mv
解 析 度   0.01pH 0.001pH 0.1mv(±699.9mv) 1mv(±2000mv)
测量精度   ±0.01pH ±0.002pH ±0.2mv(±699.9mv) ±1mv(±2000mv)
温度补偿   自动或手动温度补偿-10.0 to 120.0°C pH
校正方式   从pH4.01, pH6.86, pH7.01, pH9.86, pH10.01 五个校正点中自动选择1, 2 和3 点校正
配套酸度   电极可依据客户需要选择HI1131 或HI1200 或其他测量用途的复合电极
测量项目  电导、TDS 技术指标
测量范围   EC: 0.00 to 29.99μS/cm, 30.0 to 299.9μS/cm, 300 to 2999μS/cm, 3.00 to 29.99mS/cm,
     30.0 to 200.0 mS/cm, up to 500 mS/cm( 不使用温度补偿功能时实际的电导值)
   TDS: 0.00 to 14.99ppm(mg/L), 15.0 to 149.9 ppm(mg/L), 150 to 1499 ppm(mg/L),
      1.50 to 14.99 ppt(g/L), 15.0 to 100.0 ppt(g/L), up to 400.0 ppt(g/L)
     ( 不使用温度补偿功能时实际的TDS 值)
解 析 度   EC: 0.01μS/cm, 0.1μS/cm, 1 uS/cm, 0.01 mS/cm, 0.1 mS/cm
   TDS: 0.01 ppm(mg/L), 0.1 ppm(mg/L), 1 ppm(mg/L), 0.01 ppt(g/L), 0.1 ppt(g/L)
测量精度   EC: 读数的 ±0.01% ±(0.05μS/cm 或者是一个字中的较大者)
   TDS: 读数的 ±1% ±0.03 ppm(mg/L) 或者是一个字中的较大者)
校正方式   从84.0, 1413μS/cm, 5.00, 12.88, 80.0, 111.8mS/cm 六个校正点中自动选择1 点校正
温度补偿   0 to 60.0?C 范围内,温度补偿系数:0.00 to 6.00 %/°C;出厂时设定温度补偿系数为:1.90%/°C
TDS 转换系数   0.40 to 0.80 范围内手动调整(出厂时设定系数为:0.50)
配套电极   HI76310 高性能的具有测量范围广泛的新型四环电导电极
测量项目 盐度(NaCl) 技术指标
测量范围   0.0 to 400.0 % NaCl 解析度0.1%   NaCl
测量精度   读数的±1% 校正方式   单点自动校正(推荐使用HANNA 校正缓冲液HI7037L)
测量项目   温度技术指标
测量范围   酸度温度范围:-10 to120.0 ?C 电导温度范围:0.0 to 6.0 ?C
解析度   0.1 ?C 测量精度 ±0.4 ?C 配套温度探头 HI7662 温度探头
测量项目   其他技术指标
数据接口 RS-232 数据接口 数据存储 200 组输入阻抗 10 12 Ohm
使用环境 0 to 50?C 95%RH 配套电源 12VDC 电源尺寸/ 重量 240×182×74mm/1.1Kg

标 准 配 置 
选 购 附 件 
pH 复合塑胶电极 HI1131 可填充式玻璃复合电极
电极支架 HI7004L pH4.01 校准缓冲液
pH6.86 校准缓冲液 HI7007L pH7.01 校准缓冲液
HI7009L pH9.18 校准缓冲液 HI7031L 1413μS/cm 电导校正液
HI7010L pH10.01 校准缓冲液 HI7071 3.5M 氯化钾/ 氯化银,30mL/ 瓶
HI70300L 电极保存液(460mL) HI920010 数据连接电缆 .
HI7071 电极填充液(30mL/ 瓶) HI92000 Windows 应用软件

Is she the new launched a high quality multi parameter measuring instrument. You can also use this instrument samples were measured with pH, TDS,ORP, salinity and temperature. When measuringinstrument of acidity, temperature compensation. The instrument can be in 5 memory in 1, 2 or 3 calibration points for automatic calibration, so as to ensure theaccurate measurement. EC measurement instrumentis, available in the two reference temperature (20 ° Cand 25 ° C) selection and temperature compensation.The instrument can automatically according to the sample selection EC and TDS the most suitable scale,and EC measurement can choose 1 points in the 6memory point calibration. HI255 has 200 groups of measured data storage function, all stored data can be input to the computer RS232 interface can be printed by. HI255 also has the function of GLP, the calibration data are in accordance with the intention of user at any time.

Technical index

Type pH255

Measurement items acidity, redox (ORP) technology index

Measuring range -2.00 to 16.00pH; -2.000 to16.000pH; ORP: ± 699.9mv ± 2000mv

Analysis of 0.01pH 0.001pH 0.1mv (+ 699.9mv) 1mV(+ 2000mv)

The measurement accuracy of ± 0.01pH ± 0.002pH ± 0.2mv (+ 699.9mv) + 1mV (+ 2000mv)

The temperature compensation and automatic or manual temperature compensation of -10.0 to 120 C pH

Correction from pH4.01, pH6.86, pH7.01, pH9.86,pH10.01 five calibration points in automatic selection of1, 2 and 3 point correction

Supporting the acidity electrode can be based on thecomposite electrode selection of HI1131 or HI1200 or other measurement uses the customer needs

Measurement of conductance, the technical parameters of TDS project

The measurement range of EC: 0 to 29.99 μ S/cm, 30 to, 299.9 μ S/cm, 300 to, 2999 μ S/cm, 3 to 29.99mS/

30 to 200 mS/cm, up to 500 mS/cm (without the use of temperature compensation function when the actual conductance value)

TDS: 0 to 14.99ppm (mg/L), 15 to 149.9 ppm (mg/L), 150 to 1499 ppm (mg/L),

1.50 to 14.99 PPT (g/L), 15 to 100 PPT (g/L), up to (g/L) 400 PPT

(do not use temperature compensation function whenthe actual TDS value)

Analysis of EC: 0.01 μ S/cm, 0.1 μ S/cm, 1 uS/cm, 0.01 mS/cm, 0.1 mS/

TDS: 0.01 ppm (mg/L), 0.1 ppm (mg/L), 1 ppm(mg/L), 0.01 PPT (g/L), 0.1 (g/L) PPT

The measurement accuracy of ± 0.01% ± EC: readings (0.05 μ S/cm or larger in a word)

TDS: readings of ± 1% ± 0.03 ppm (mg/L) or larger in a word)

The correction from 84, 1413 μ S/cm, 5, 12.88, 80, 1 point calibration automatically select 111.8mS/cm six calibration point

Temperature compensation of 0 to 60? C range,temperature compensation coefficient: 0 to 6 C / DEG;factory set temperature compensation coefficient is:1.90%/ ° C

TDS conversion coefficient of 0.40 to in the range of 0.80 to manually adjust (factory set coefficient: 0.50)

A novel tetracyclic electrode conductancemeasurements on a wide range of auxiliary electrode of high performance HI76310

Measurements of salinity (NaCl) technology index

The measurement range of 0 to 400% NaCl resolution0.1% NaCl

The measurement accuracy of ± 1% correctionreadings of single point correction (recommended correction buffer HI7037L using HANNA)

Measurement temperature technology index

Measurement of pH range temperature range: -10to120.0? C conductivity temperature range: 0 to 6? C

Resolution 0.1? C measurement accuracy of ± 0.4? C matching temperature sensor HI7662 temperature probe

Measurement items of other technical indicators

Interface of data interface of RS-232 data of 200 groups of input impedance of 1012 Ohm

The use of 0 to 50? C 95%RH power supply 12VDC power size / weight of 240 * 182 * 74mm/1.1Kg

Standard configuration


Optional accessories


PH plastic composite electrode HI1131 filled glass composite electrode


The electrode bracket HI7004L pH4.01 calibrationbuffer


The calibration of pH6.86 buffer HI7007L pH7.01 calibration buffer

HI7009L pH9.18 calibration buffer HI7031L 1413 μ S/cm conductance correction flui

HI7010L pH10.01 calibration buffer HI7071 3.5Mpotassium chloride / silver chloride, 30mL/ bottle

The HI70300L electrode preservation solution (460mL) connecting cable HI920010 data

The HI7071 electrode filling solution (30mL/ bottle)HI92000 Windows application software




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