全新Load Cell 式比重傳送器可連續監測控制液體的比重,可適用於各種工業製程,例如氯化鐵、氯化銅、去錫鉛之PCB 蝕刻製程、化學液濃度比例控制(ex:鹽水配置)。
SG-2110RS 比重計的原理為利用固定重量及體積的浮球在不一樣的液體中會產生不同的浮力,利用阿基米德浮力原理計算出比重值。而特別的是,SG-2110RS 採用原本分析天平使用的Load Cell(荷重元)來精密測量浮力大小,有別於市場所見之一般比重計所使用的位置感測器原理是利用光線投射在位移檢測器,並利用浮力不同產生的彈簧位移來測量距離變化並換算成重量。此法非常容易受到彈簧彈性疲乏的影響產生不可忽略的重大偏差。另外受限於彈簧彈性及位移程度的限制,在不同的量測範圍需要更換不同種類的浮球,SG-2110RS 則完全沒有此方面的問題。
SG-2110RS 採用新一代智慧型傳送器的技術,可以圖像式選單、系統及校正資訊一目瞭然,並內建RS 進階級的附加功能如: 可自設時間(3 分鐘到4 週)之測值趨勢紀錄圖、3 分鐘即時測值圖形顯示、及事件記錄簿、RS-485 Modbus 數位傳輸等。另外,還可自行設定濃度比重對照表,儀器能使用線性迴歸分析得到斜率、截距並顯示R2 值判定係數。
0.000~2.200 [ 0.002(±1 Digit)] ※依比重浮球密度而定
-30.0~130.0°C [±0.2°C(±1Digit)]
比重(Specific Gravity)/波美(Baume)/鹽度(Salinity)/濃度(Concentration)
The proportion of SG2110-RS intelligent controller
The new Load Cell gravity conveyor can continuously monitor control the specific gravity of the liquid, can be used in various industrial processes, such as ferric chloride, copper, tin and lead to the PCB etching,chemical concentration ratio control (ex: salineconfiguration).
Produce different buoyancy principle SG-2110RS use float hydrometer for fixed weight and volume in differentliquid, using Archimedes buoyancy principle to calculate the proportion value. And in particular, SG-2110RS was originally analytical balance the use of the Load Cell (He Zhongyuan) to precision measurement of force, the proportion in the market generally don't see of theposition sensor is the use of the principle of light onto adisplacement detector, using different spring displacement and buoyancy produced to measure the distance change and conversion a weight. This method is very vulnerable to the impact of the spring elastic fatigue have significant deviation can not be ignored.The other is limited to spring and the degree of displacement of floating ball, measuring range needreplacing different in different amounts, SG-2110RScompletely does not have this problem.
SG-2110RS uses a new generation of intelligenttransmitter technology, can the image menu, system and calibration information stick out a mile, additional functionality and built-in RS class such as: can set uptime (3 minutes to 4 weeks) measuring value trendrecord chart, 3 minute measurement graphics display,and event record book, RS-485 Modbus digitaltransmission. In addition, also can set their own tablecontrol concentration proportion, the instrument can uselinear regression analysis, the intercept and slope shows that the value of R2 coefficient of determination.
Measuring range
0.000~2.200 [(0.002 ± 1 Digit)] the gravity floating balldensity and
-30.0~130.0 ° C [± 0.2 ° C (± 1Digit)]
Measurement items
Specific gravity (Specific Gravity) / Baume (Baume) / saltlevels (Salinity) / concentration degree (Concentration)
Table concentration proportion control
Can set the concentrated degree point number and buildstrong "proportion corresponding table
The proportion of temperature coefficient
Can set the proportion of linear temperaturecompensation coefficient
Calibration mode
Zero point (Zero) correction and image analysis (Span)correction of two modes, volume and weight of thiscorrection float
Float coefficient
Can be set to float coefficient (1~99999), volume andweight of this correction float