概 述
KTPH-01中文工业pH计广泛适用于电力、化工、石油、环保、制药等行业中多种水质的pH值测量。是一台高精度、智能化、高性能现场测量仪表。 主要技术参数 ◆测量范围:0~14pH ◆测量精度:±0.1%F.S ◆温补范围:5~60℃ ◆水样压力:<0.3MPa ◆电流输出:两路独立0~10mA或4~20mA 或0~22mA内任意范围 ◆报警输出:上下限分别由单独的继电器输出,每组均含常开和常闭接点,接点容量AC220V/1A
◆电源要求:AC 185V~260V 50/60Hz ◆消耗功率:<10W ◆环境要求:温度5~60℃ 湿度<85%RH 无剧烈振动,无强电磁干扰 ◆外形尺寸:144mm×l44mm×l30mm ◆安装开孔:138mm×l38mm 主要特点 ●两路完全隔离的电流信号输出,可分别设定输出电流范围 ●全不锈钢、全密封结构变送器,抗干扰能力强。 ●全中文引导式操作,使用简单易学。 ●采用智能温度传感器,温补精度高。
KTPH-01 PH portable pH meter KTPH-01
KTPH-01 Chinese industrial pH meter is widely used invarious water power, chemical, petroleum, environmental protection, pharmaceutical and other industries in the pH measurement. The measuring instrument is a high precision, intelligent, high performance. The main technical parameters of the measuring range: 0 ~ 14pH,the measurement accuracy of ± 0.1%F.S: ◆ temperature compensation range: 5 ~ 60 ℃ the water pressure: <0.3MPa the current two independent output: 0 ~ 10mA or 4 ~ 20mA or 0 ~ 22mA in any range of the upper and lower limit alarm output: by separate relay output, each containing a normally open and normally closed contact,contact capacity AC220V/1A
◆ power requirements: AC 185V to 260V 50/60Hz thepower consumption: <10W the environment: temperature 5 ~ 60 ℃ and humidity <85%RH no violent vibration, no strong electromagnetic interference ◆ dimensions: 144MM * l44mm * l30mm * installation hole: currentoutput signal of 138mm * l38mm the main characteristics of the two are completely isolated, respectively set the output current range, all stainless steel, fully sealed structure transmitter, strong anti-interference ability. ● fullChinese guided operation, easy to use. ● adoptingintelligent temperature sensor, temperature compensation of high precision.
● configuration is simple and practical.