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产品价格:128000   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)





  Chen Chen      13686809120        QQ: 2506570476
Address: Shenzhen Baoan Xixiang Tianfuan LeZhuJiao Industrial Park West, two on the second floor

Advertising universal UV flatbed printer color contrast with the traditional advantages: 
A simple operation: no plate and repeat the chromatography process, simple operation and easy maintenance; 
(2) Print speed: low input costs, high-speed printing is fully applicable to industrial production; 

3 overcome limits of the material: You can print the required thickness of the media, completely overcome only use special paper and special specifications using traditional printing methods, you can use very thin or very thick objects, the thickness can reach 0.1 -18 cm 

4 automatic cleaning system: a significant anti-nozzle clogging according to various models of consumer choice cycle automatically clean the print head, which prevents nozzle clogging phenomenon. 
5 flatbed printer height adjustment and volume settings: You can adjust the height according to the printed object, using the horizontal movement of the vertical jet structure, easy to use a variety of raw materials. Easy to put down automatically after they print the appropriate height and achieve the perfect color effect. And you can freely set the mass production of automatic feeding time, to operate a computer without the need for repeat steps flatbed printer 
6 flatbed printer from impact of material objects: You can use rich colors in raw materials (metal, plastic, stone, leather, wood, metal, glass, crystal, acrylic, coated paper) and semi-finished (small parts finishing boxes, wallets , purses, trademarks, plaques, etc.) and other soft and hard surface on the image of true color graphics printing. As head of printing non-face contact with the media, will not be deformed by heat and pressure phenomena, therefore, can be easily deformed soft materials (such as leather and textiles) on the printing. 
7 flatbed printer perfect precision printing: Use the company's special ink, so that the output image is realistic to achieve photo quality. Image waterproof, sunscreen, wear resistance, never fade 
8. Printing format: 1 * 1.5/1.3 * 2.5 m wide personalized printing. 
9 rough surface and beveled print: You can overcome the raw materials up to 7mm thickness deviation, according to the characteristics of the surface to be printed, embossing gap can be expanded to 7mm, and presents the perfect printing results. 
10, using a large-capacity ink cartridges: avoid frequent replacement ink cartridges and printing efficiency, while the printing costs to a minimum. 
11, using special waterproof ink: clear and perfect print quality, structured, all visible color, no color cast, color mixing phenomenon, waterproof, wear-quality thermal transfer, screen printing and other traditional process. 
12, flatbed printer low cost printing: Compared to the existing thermal transfer process, saving more than 80% of the cost. 

陈晨   13686809120   QQ:2506570476


Shenzhen Mai Chong : strive to be "fine, strange, unique and comprehensive" glass wall digital printing experts in the field
????This year's show features the device can be used fine , extraordinary and special , all summarized in two words , which can in a sense be understood as innovation, new digital advertising universal UV flatbed printer , print it out of the glass can withstand powerful ultraviolet rays, and the use of imported UV ink printing can be integrated into the glass , never fade . Achieve a glass wall infinite visual appearance. Intelligent machines can print control , efficiency is very high . Digital technology is now moving to a very wide field of different levels and to penetrate this penetration, like before the glass has been focused on print advertising , and later began to expand the field of the same appliance glass print . We do not stop at the Glass Print this one field , but also including other materials printing , we have roots in many years , has been continuously penetrate into these markets go. UV inkjet printers in the country has gradually become a hot industry , manufacturers and end-users the rapid development trend . Across the country advertising equipment exhibition , exhibition of building materials , interior decoration exhibition and many other related exhibition , UV printing machine manufacturers and the increase is the best descrtption. In recent years , in the fierce competition in the market with its unique advantages inkjet tiles won more and more recognized by consumers, so the industry spread out " those who have inkjet tiles , pottery industry was the world ," said, so the companies have raised growth on producing ceramic inkjet printing machine of the wave.

厂家热线:13686809120 陈小姐 QQ 2506570476
名 称:广告万能UV平板打印机

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