详细介绍: Chen Chen 13686809120 QQ: 2506570476
Address: Shenzhen Baoan Xixiang Tianfuan LeZhuJiao Industrial Park West, two on the second floor
Matrox advertising universal UV flatbed printer features:
?? High precision: Matrox's sprinkler nozzle imported Epson fifth generation, has the world's smallest precision droplet 3.5PL, the performance of a wider color gamut, color is more beautiful, the picture is clearer;
?? Speed: Epson fifth generation of dual-nozzle bidirectional printing, the print speed more than twice as fast than the single nozzle;
?? Stability: Our printing machine used car head riser, and is controlled by computer platforms and head movements than the more precise, more accurate.
?? Affordable: according to customer requirements and configuration requirements, our original Caiyin in price from 80,000 to 200,000 .

1.操作简单方便: 无需制版及重复套色流程,操作简单易维护;
2.打印速度快: 投入成本低,高速印刷完全适用工业批量生产;
3.克服材料的界限: 可打印规定厚度内的任意介质,完全克服了只能使用专用纸张和专用规格的传统打印方式,可以使用非常薄或非常厚的物件,其厚度可达到:0.1-18厘米
5. 平板打印机高度调节及批量设定: 可根据印刷物件调整高度,采用了水平移动式垂直喷射结构,可方便自由地使用各种原材料。轻松放置后都能自动升降到合适的打印高度,并达到完美的彩印效果。并可以随意设定批量化生产自动进料时间,省却了重复操作电脑的步骤平板打印机
6. 平板打印机不受物体材质的影响: 可以用丰富的色彩在原材料 (金属、塑料、石材,皮革,木材,金属,玻璃、水晶、亚克力、铜版纸) 成品和半成品 ( 小部件整理箱,钱包,皮包,商标,牌匾等 ) 等软、硬质物体表面上进行图像的真彩图文印刷。由于喷印时喷头与介质面是非接触性,不会因热量和压力发生变形等现象,因此也可以在容易变形柔软的原材料(如皮革及纺织品)上印刷。
7. 平板打印机高精度完美打印: 使用公司生产的专用墨水,使输出的图象效果逼真,达到照片品质。图像防水,防晒,耐磨损,永不褪色
8.印刷幅面: 1*1.5/1.3*2.5米宽幅的个性化打印。
9.粗糙面及斜面打印: 可克服最多7mm的原材料厚度偏差,根据被印刷物体表面的特性,凹凸落差最大可扩张至7mm,并能呈现完美的印刷效果。
10、采用大容量的墨水盒: 避免了因频繁更换墨盒而影响印刷效率,同时使印刷成本降至最低。
11、采用专用防水墨水: 清晰完美的印刷质量,层次分明,色块全部可见,无偏色、混色现象,防水,耐磨,品质非热转印、丝印等传统工艺可比。
12、平板打印机超低的印制成本: 比起现有的热转印工艺,可节约80%以上的成本。
14、外观设计: 整体,简捷,操作简单,方便,完全人性化科学设计。追随主流采用了全黑色外观设计。主要的按键安排在机体右方,因此从正面看,面板的外观显得非常朴实,而
UV printing is a group personality combined with the latest engineering and technical personnel wall painting techniques after a year of painstaking research, exclusive first, self-developed automatic painting equipment. Have the following advantages
1, a new concept: UV personality Caiyin overcome the traditional hand-painted craft highly specialized, the need for art skills, time-consuming and costly, scope and small defects, is a painting technique all irreversible revolution;
2, unique offerings techniques: independent research and development, especially UV inks, UV personality Caiyin also have to make environmental protection, painted reliefs, simple, efficient and so versatile;
3, green: wall painting machine supporting supplies specifically added to the toner with a high adsorption, carbon composition cancellation function. So that not only has beautiful wall painted designs appreciate the value of individuality, but also with
4, fool-operation: fully computerized automatic control equipment, no manpower, as long as the machine is placed is completed, adjust settings, attached to a computer in a variety of materials, regardless of its size, width, thickness, wet and dry , elastic, soft and hard, weight, etc., can paint a variety of landscapes, flowers, birds, cartoon, characters and wedding photos;;
5, artistic innovation: no artistic skills, but also painted. Personalized advertising lifelike picture painted patterns, bright colors, vivid color photos as level. Once available, that enjoy "art robot" reputation;
6, extensive use: It can be widely used in various home improvement, tooling wall decor, studio, film and television scenery wall, advertising, car painted in different three-dimensional surface. Able to depict a variety of style pattern, photo photos. Zi Wan-state, full of personality!
陈晨 13686809120 QQ:2506570476
Chen Chen 13686809120 QQ: 2506570476
Address: Shenzhen Baoan Xixiang Tianfuan LeZhuJiao Industrial Park West, two on the second floor