产品价格:斯米克 元(人民币) 上架日期:2014年11月13日 产地:天津 发货地:天津 (发货期:当天内发货) 供应数量:不限 最少起订:1kg 浏览量:44 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载:
S 101
C3 Cr28 Ni4 Si3.5 Fe Rem.
HRc48-54. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of bucket tooth and case pump. HRc48-54,耐磨、耐气蚀、抗氧化。堆焊铲斗齿,泵套
S 111
C1 Cr29 W5 Co Rem.
HRc38-47. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of high temperature and pressure valve. HRc38-47,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊高温高压阀门
S 112
C1.5 Cr29 W8 Co Rem.
HRc45-50. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of valve and hot-rolling pass. HRc45-50,高温下耐磨、耐蚀。堆焊阀门,热轧孔型
S 113
C2.5 Cr30 W17 Co Rem.
HRc≥55. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of screw charging carriage. HRc≥55,高温下耐磨、耐热,但抗冲击性差。堆焊螺旋送料机用