详细介绍: FiT333酒精检测仪FiT333酒精测试仪
FiT333 系列产品采用高灵敏、高稳定的先进的电化学传感器作为酒精侦测元件,采用先进的图形化的自主研发的操作管理系统作为用户界面,采用先进的大规模集成电路作为数据处理单元,采用先进SMT 工艺作为装配工艺,外设配置可拆卸组合,宽范围温度操作,性能稳定,是交警等专业领域的最佳选择。
FiT333 是目前国际领先地位的全彩大屏幕、触摸输入操作、全中文的酒精测试仪
FiT333 是自主研发的操作管理系统的酒精测试仪
FiT333 是一台大内存酒精测试仪,可储存记录可达到10000 条
1. 一键自动弹出吹嘴设计,方便、卫生,无需人手拿出吹嘴。
2. 全彩屏幕、图形化用户界面,可触摸输入和按键输入车牌号、驾照号、及执勤民警号等信息,并有自动复制功能(前一次的输入资料相同便不用重复再输入)。
3. 自动吹气流量侦测与控制,能侦测出吹气作弊。
4. 分级使用权限管理,超级用户可设置系统所有可配置项。
5. 5 号镍氢可充电电池,优秀的电源管理,可自动关机节约电能。
6. 系统外设可拆卸组合,可拆打印机。
7. USB 端口系统更新,数据上载备份,使用方便。
8. 大容量内存设计,可储存记录最大到10000 条(包括日期、时间、输入信息、及测试结果等)
9. 快捷键设计,可一键完成酒精浓度测试。
10. 宽温度操作,首部极端环境(-2 0℃~50℃)操作,高性能、高稳定性
11. 传感器自检功能,能实时图像显示。
12. 排查快速测试,快捷方便。
13. 人性化背景及电源管理系统。
14. 防倒吸功能(新单向阀结构),使用卫生,防欺骗。
15. 专利--可加热、可更换内管结构,能保证仪器在极低温度(-20℃)下的精确度。
16. 触摸屏和按键都可以使用,不产生冲突。如果触摸屏不能工作了,可以使用按键;如果按键不能工作了,可以使用触摸屏。
17. 用户可使用酒精传感器自检功能,可实时分析传感器的性能,其输出可以为数据,也可以以图形、波形(waveform)的方式显示在显示屏上,该项技术已获批准申请专利。
18.安全: 使用安全可靠的5号镍氢可充电电池,优秀的电源管理,可自动关机节约电能。对比其它牌子使用大容量的锂电池(有些甚至 四、五千毫安时,如同放了一个计时炸弹在交警身上。
传感器 燃料电池电化学传感器
产品标准 中国国标GB/T21254-2007标准
单机体积 190X78X33MM(LXWXH)
携带箱体积 420X320X110(LXWXH)
单机重量(包括打印机) 0.3kg(不包括电池、纸带)
电池 4节AA碱性电池或者可充电电池
外接电源 DC8-24V直流电源
电池寿命 > 300次(常温下)
预热时间 小于20秒(常温下)
相应时间 < 0.400 mg/l时不大于8秒
工作温度 -20℃-70℃(推荐:0℃-40℃)
储存温度 -40℃-85℃
检测范围 0.000mg/L-2.000mg/L(BrAC)
显示方式 全中文用户界面(其他语言可选择)
显示器 3.2英寸TFT彩色屏幕, 240X320 QVGA分辨率
报警点设置 具有自检、显示和报警功能,报警点可现场设置
输入方式 全屏触摸输入及多功能键配合
打印机(可选件) 58mm热敏打印机,可无线打印
打印输出 中文(其他语言可选择)
数据储存容量 最多10000个记录(包括日期、时间、输入信息、及测试结果等)
电脑接口 迷你USB转RS232接口,记录可上载至电脑,送管理软件
无线传输(可选件) 2.4GHz,ISM频带
FiT333 alcohol tester FiT333 alcohol tester
FiT333 alcohol tester FiT333 alcohol tester
FiT333 series of alcohol tester based on GB/T21254-2007 standard, the alcohol content of professionalexhaled gas detector on its own R & D, production, this series of products through the provincial and ministerial level measurement equipment type approval; for traffic police, high-risk operations industry and the need to control human alcohol intake and other cooperation asmeasured breath alcohol testing, the test results have the legal effect.
FiT333 series of products using advancedelectrochemical sensor sensitive, high stability as the alcohol is the detecting element, the independent research and development of advanced graphicaloperation management system as the user interface,using large scale integrated circuit is advanced as a data processing unit, adopts advanced SMT technology as the assembly process, peripheral configuration can bedisassembled and assembled, a wide range of operating temperature, stable performance, is the best choice fortraffic police and other professional fields.
FiT333 is currently the full-color large screen, an international leader in touch input operation, the wholeChinese Alcohol Tester
FiT333 is the alcohol testing instrument operation and management system of independent research and development.
FiT333 is a large memory alcohol tester, capable of storing records can be reached to 10000.
18 big characteristics optimization
The 1 button pop-up blowing nozzle design, convenient,sanitary, without hands out the blowing nozzle.
2 full color screen, graphical user interface, can touch input and input keys license plate number, driver's license numbers, and police on duty number and other information, and the automatic copy function (input databefore the same is not repeated input).
3 automatic air traffic control and detection, can detect the blowing of cheating.
4 Classification of permission management, super usercan set the system all configuration items.
No. 5.5 Ni MH rechargeable battery, excellent power management, automatic shutdown electric energy saving.
6 system peripherals detachable combination, removableprinter.
Update 7 USB port system backup, data upload, easy to use.
8 large capacity memory, can store record the maximumto 10000 (including the date, time, input information, and test results)
9 shortcut design, can be a key to complete the alcohol concentration test.
10 wide operating temperature, the first extreme environment (-2 0 ℃ ~50 ℃) operation, high performance, high stability
The 11 sensor self-test function, real-time image display.
12 investigation of fast test, fast and convenient.
13 humanistic background and power managementsystem.
14 anti reverse suction function (new one-way valvestructure), use of sanitary, anti cheat.
15 patent - heating, can replace the inner tube structure,can guarantee the instrument at low temperature (-20 ℃)conditions.
16 touch screen and keys can be used, no conflict. If the touch screen is not working, you can use the button; if the key does not work, can use the touch screen.
17 users can use alcohol sensor self-test function, which can real-time performance analysis of the sensor, the output for the data, also can be graphically, waveform(waveform) displayed on the screen, the technology has been approved to apply for a patent.
18 security: the use of safe and reliable 5 Ni MH rechargeable battery, excellent power management,automatic shutdown electric energy saving. Lithium battery compared to other brands use large capacity(some of them four, five thousand milli ampere hour, just like a time bomb in the traffic police on the body.
FiT333 series of alcohol tester technical specifications
Electrochemical sensor for fuel cell
Product standard of Chinese national standard GB/T21254-2007 standard
Unit volume of 190X78X33MM (LXWXH)
Carry the box volume 420X320X110 (LXWXH)
Machine weight (including printers) 0.3KG (not includingbatteries, tape)
Cell 4 AA alkaline battery or rechargeable battery
External power supply DC8-24V DC power supply
Battery life > 300 (at room temperature)
Preheating time less than 20 seconds (at room temperature)
The corresponding time < 0.400 mg/l less than 8 seconds
Working temperature: -20 ℃ -70 ℃ (recommendation: 0℃ -40 ℃)
Storage temperature -40 ℃ -85 ℃
Detection range of 0.000mg/L-2.000mg/L (BrAC)
The detection precision (room temperature)
± 0.020mg/L (C<0.400mg/L)
± 5% (0.400mg/L<C<1.000mg/L)
± 20% (C>1.000mg/L)
Display all Chinese user interface (other languagesoptional)
3.2 inch color TFT display screen, 240X320 QVGA resolution
Setting of alarm points with self checking, display and alarm, the alarm can be set on site
Input mode full screen touch input and multiple function keys with
Printer (optional) 58mm thermal printer can print, radio
Print Chinese (and other languages optional)
Data storage capacity up to 10000 records (including the date, time, input information, and test results)
Computer interface Mini USB to RS232 interface,records can be uploaded to the computer, to the management software
Wireless transmission (optional) 2.4GHz, ISM band
* the manufacturer reserves the right to modifyspecifications without notice right