详细介绍: FIT240酒精测试仪FiT240酒精检测仪
FIT240是一台打印一体化的酒精测试仪(DOT Matrix or Thermal)
1. 一键自动弹出吹嘴设计,方便、卫生,无需人手拿出吹嘴。
2. 全彩屏幕、图形化用户界面,具有中文输入法,可触摸输入和按键输入车牌号、驾照号、及执勤民警号、执勤民警姓名与被测者的姓名等信息,并有自动复制功能(前一次的输入资料相同便不用重復再输入)。
3. 可以输入测试的具体地点,并精确到地区。并且可以打印出来和上载到电脑上。
4. 自动吹气流量侦测与控制,能侦测出吹气作弊。
5. 分级使用权限管理,超级用户可设置系统所以可配置项
6. 使用锂电池,优秀的电源管理,可自动关机节约电能。
7. 打印一体化,可随时随地打印。
8. USB端口系统更新,数据上载备份,使用方便
9. 大容量内存设计,可储存记录最大到50000 条(包括日期、时间、输入信息、及测试结果等)
10. 快捷键设计,可一键完成酒精浓度测试
11. 宽温度操作,首部极端环境(-2 0℃~50℃)操作,高性能、高稳定性
12. 传感器自检功能,能实时图像显示。
13. 排查快速测试,快捷方面。
14. 人性化背景及电源管理系统。
15. 防倒吸功能(新单向阀结构),使用卫生,防欺骗。
16. 专利可加热、可更换内管结构,能保证仪器在极低温度(-20℃)情况下的精确度。
17. 触摸屏和按键都可以试用,不产生冲突。如果触摸屏不能工作了,按键可以工作;如果按键不能工作了,触摸屏可以工作。
18 用户可使用酒精传感器自检功能,可实时分析传感器的性能,其输出可以为数据,也可以以图形、波形(waveform)的方式显示在显示屏上,该项技术已获批准申请专利。
19. 简单的校准功能,当测试值偏低时,直接手动调节某个参数(偏低则增大该参数,偏高则减小该参数)即可使测量值准确。
20. 具有GPS功能,并且可以随时随地显示地理位置:经度,纬度等。
21. 具有摄像头功能,可以实现摄像技术。
22. 可更换传感器在结构,
23. 可手动较正,(在+/- 0.1%BAC范围)
24.打印机为针式(RF) 及热敏(一体化)
传感器 燃料电池电化学传感器
产品标准 中国国标GB/T21254-2007标准
电池 LI-ion 7.4V
外接电源 DC-9V直流电源
电池寿命 > 500次(常温下)
预热时间 小于20秒(常温下)
响应时间 2至 10秒 (< 0.400 mg/l)
工作温度 -20℃-70℃(推荐:-20℃-45℃)
储存温度 -40℃-85℃
检测范围 0.000mg/L ~ 2.000mg/L或以上(BrAC)
显示方式 全中文用户界面 (可選不同语言)
显示器 3.5英寸 (320 * 480)TFT彩色触摸屏幕
报警点设置 具有实时自检、显示和报警功能。
输入方式 全屏触摸输入 及 多功能键 (同步配合)
打印机 热敏/针式 打印机,打印一体化
打印输出 中文/英文
数据储存容量 最小50000个记录( 包括日期、时间、输入信息、及测试结果等等…)
电脑接口 USB记录可上载至电脑,送管理软件
产品执行标准 中国国标GB/T21254-2007标准;
产品设计符合标准 OIML 126
FIT240 series of alcohol tester based on GB/T21254-2007 standard, the alcohol content of professionalexhaled gas detector on its own R & D, production.
FIT240 series of products using advancedelectrochemical sensor sensitive, high stability as the alcohol is the detecting element, the independent research and development of advanced graphicaloperation management system as the user interface,using large scale integrated circuit is advanced as a data processing unit, using advanced SMT technology as theassembly process, peripheral configuration can bedisassembled and assembled, wide range of temperatureoperation, stable performance, is the best choice fortraffic police and other professional fields.
FIT240 is currently the full-color large screen, an international leader in touch input operation, the wholeChinese Alcohol Tester
FIT240 is the alcohol testing instrument operation and management system of independent research and development.
FIT240 is alcohol tester a print integration (DOT Matrix orThermal)
FIT240 is a Video alcohol tester
FIT240 is a large memory alcohol tester, capable of storing records of more than 50000
The 1 button pop-up blowing nozzle design, convenient,sanitary, without hands out the blowing nozzle.
2 full color screen, graphical user interface, with Chineseinput method, can touch input and input keys license plate number, driver's license numbers, and the police on duty, the police on duty, the name and the examinee'sname and other information, and the automatic copy function (input data before the same is not repeatedinput).
3 can be site specific input test, and accurate to the area.And you can print it out and uploaded to the computer.
4 automatic air traffic control and detection, can detect the blowing of cheating.
5 Classification of permission management, super usercan set the system so it can be a configuration item
6 the use of lithium batteries, excellent power management, automatic shutdown electric energy saving.
The 7 print integration, can whenever and wherever possible to print.
Update 8 USB port system backup, data upload, easy to use
9 large capacity memory, can store record the maximumto 50000 (including the date, time, input information, and test results)
10 shortcut design, can be a key to complete the alcohol concentration test
11 wide operating temperature, the first extreme environment (-2 0 ℃ ~50 ℃) operation, high performance, high stability
The 12 sensor self-test function, real-time image display.
13 investigation of fast test, fast.
14 humanistic background and power managementsystem.
15 anti reverse suction function (new one-way valvestructure), use of sanitary, anti cheat.
16 patents can be heated, can replace the inner tubestructure, can guarantee the instrument at lowtemperature (-20 ℃) the accuracy of the context.
17 touch screen and keys can be used, no conflict. If thescreen does not work, the key can work; if the key does not work, the touch screen can work.
18 users can use alcohol sensor self-test function, which can real-time performance analysis of the sensor, the output for the data, also can be graphically, waveform(waveform) displayed on the screen, the technology has been approved to apply for a patent.
19 simple calibration function, when the test value is low,direct manual adjusting a parameter (low increases theparameters, the parameters of high reduction) can makeaccurate measuring value.
20 with GPS functions, and can whenever and wherever possible display location: longitude, latitude.
21 with camera function, can realize the cameratechnology.
22 replaceable sensor in structure,
23 manual is positive, (+ / - 0.1%BAC range)
24 printer for needle type (RF) and thermal (integration)
FIT240 series of alcohol tester technical specifications
Electrochemical sensor for fuel cell
Product standard of Chinese national standard GB/T21254-2007 standard
LI-ion 7.4V battery
External power supply DC-9V DC power supply
Battery life > 500 (at room temperature)
Preheating time less than 20 seconds (at room temperature)
Response time of 2 to 10 seconds (< 0.400 mg/l)
Working temperature: -20 ℃ -70 ℃ (recommended: -20℃ -45 ℃)
Storage temperature -40 ℃ -85 ℃
Detection range of 0.000mg/L ~ 2.000mg/L or above(BrAC)
The detection precision
± 0.020mg/L (C<0.400mg/L)
± 5% (0.400mg/L<C<1.000mg/L)
± 10% (C>1.000mg/L)
Display all Chinese user interface (optional differentlanguage)
Display 3.5 inches (320 * 480) TFT color touch screen
Alarm point setting with real self, display and alarm function.
Input mode, full screen touch input and multi function key(synchronization)
Printer thermal / needle type printer, printing integration
Print Chinese / English
Data storage capacity of a minimum of 50000 records(including the date, time, input information, and the test results...)
Computer interface USB records can be uploaded to thecomputer, to the management software
Product standard of Chinese national standard GB/T21254-2007 standard;
Product design with the standard OIML 126
* the manufacturer reserves the right to modifyspecifications without notice right