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产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:上海  (发货期:当天内发货)







      LS拥有完整的技术支持,LS型号较多,如有这方面的需要可以联系我们的公司的技术销售人员,联系方式:021-61294745,手机:13585833243,QQ2355818226 联系人:张志成


CPU模块 XGK-CPUH 4720003200 11,760 #REF! CPU Module(0.028μs), Max. I/O 6,144 points, Memory 64 ksteps

XGK-CPUS 4720003300 6,415 #REF! CPU Module(0.084μs), Max. I/O 3,072 points, Memory 32 ksteps

XGK-CPUE 4720007100 3,911 #REF! CPU Module

XGK-CPUA 4720007200 9,020 #REF! CPU Module

电源模块 XGP-ACF1 4720004700 1,431 #REF! Input Power Free Voltage, Output DC 5V:3A, DC 24V:0.6A

XGP-ACF2 4720004800 1,242 #REF! Input Power Free Voltage, Output DC 5V:6A

XGP-AC23 4720006400 2,181 #REF! Input Power AC 220V, Output DC 5V: 8.5A

XGP-DC42 4720006500 2,181 #REF! Input Power DC 24V, Output DC 5V:6A

主基板 XGB-M04A 4720002700 2,354 #REF! Base board, 4 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M06A 4720002600 2,585 #REF! Base board, 6 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M08A 4720002500 2,991 #REF! Base board, 8 slots for I/O Module

XGB-M12A 4720002400 3,521 #REF! Base board, 12 slots for I/O Module

扩展基板 XGB-E04A 4720003100 2,225 #REF! Base board(for Expansion), 4 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E06A 4720003000 2,721 #REF! Base board(for Expansion), 6 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E08A 4720002900 2,968 #REF! Base board(for Expansion), 8 slots for I/O Module

XGB-E12A XGC-E041 GSL-D22A 4720002800 3,586 #REF! Base board(for Expansion), 12 slots for I/O Module

扩展电缆 4720004900 683 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (0.4m)

4720005000 590 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (0.6m)

4720005100 808 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (1.2m)

XGC-E301 XGC-E121 XGC-E061 4720005200 1,300 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (3.0m)

4720005300 1,944 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (5.0m)

4720005400 2,964 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (10m)

XGC-E152 XGC-E102 XGC-E501 4720005500 3,106 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (15m)

扩展接头 4720006600 451 #REF! Expansion Terminator(基板终端电组)

输入模块 4720002300 814 #REF! DC 24V Input 8 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D22A XGI-D21A XGT-TERA 4720001100 1,636 #REF! DC 24V Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)

4720001200 1,222 #REF! DC 24V Input 16 points, (Source)

4720001900 2,202 #REF! DC 24V Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)

XGI-D24B XGI-D24A XGI-D22B 4720002000 2,020 #REF! DC 24V Input 32 points, (Source)

4720005600 3,430 #REF! DC 24V Input 64 points, (Sink/Source)

4720005700 3,242 #REF! DC 24V Input 64 points, (Source)

XGI-A12A XGI-D28B XGI-D28A 4720001400 1,222 #REF! AC 110V Input 16 points

XGI-A21A 4720001500 814 #REF! AC Free Voltage Input 8 points


输出模块 4720002200 1,475 #REF! Relay Output 8 points

4720001500 1,592 #REF! Relay Output 16 points

XGQ-RY2B XGQ-RY2A XGQ-RY1A 4720001600 1,592 #REF! Relay Output 16 points(Surge Killer:Varister, CR Absorber)

4720001700 1,162 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

4720006100 1,127 #REF! Tr.(PNP Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.5A)

XGQ-TR4A XGQ-TR2B XGQ-TR2A 4720002100 2,020 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

4720006200 1,887 #REF! Tr.(PNP Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

4720005800 3,242 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

XGQ-TR8B XGQ-TR8A XGQ-TR4B 4720006300 3,221 #REF! Tr.(PNP Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)

4720001800 1,610 #REF! SSR(Current Sink Type) Output 16 points(AC 110/220V 0.6A)

混合模块 4720006000 1,956 #REF! Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 16 Points, Tr. Output 16Points

模拟量模块 XGF-AV8A XGH-DT4A XGQ-SS2A 4720003400 3,883 #REF! Analog Input 8 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, DC0~10V, -10~10V

XGF-AC8A 4720003500 3,932 #REF! Analog Input 8 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA

XGF-AD4S 6,752 #REF! Analog Input 4 Channels, DC1~5V,0~5V,0~10V,-10~10V,4~20mA,0~20mA

XGF-DV4A 4720003600 4,461 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, 0~10V, -10~+10V

XGF-DV4S 4,436 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC1~5V, 0~5V, 0~10V, -10~+10V(Insulation)

XGF-DC4A 4720003700 4,649 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA

XGF-DC4S 6,710 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA, 0~20mA(Insulation)

特殊模块 XGF-TC4S 6,476 #REF! Thermocouple Input, 4 Channels(Type : K, J, E, T, B, R, S, N, C)

XGF-RD4A 4720006800 4,599 #REF! Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4Channels (Pt100, Jpt100)

XGF-RD4S 8,379 #REF! Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4Channels (Pt100, Jpt100-Insulation)

XGF-HO2A 4720003800 4,558 #REF! High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type

XGF-HD2A 4720003900 4,857 #REF! High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 500kpps,Line Drive Type

XGF-PO1A 4720004500 4,252 #REF! Position Module, 1 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PO2A 4720004300 6,076 #REF! Position Module, 2 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PO3A 4720004000 9,109 #REF! Position Module, 3 axis, Open Collector type Output

XGF-PD1A 4720004600 4,857 #REF! Position Module, 1 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-PD2A 4720004400 6,684 #REF! Position Module, 2 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-PD3A 4720004100 10,328 #REF! Position Module, 3 axis, Line Drive type Output

XGF-M16M 4720006700 19,243 #REF! Motion Control, Mechatrolink-Ⅱ 16-axis, speed 10Mbps)

通讯模块 XGL-CH2A 4720000300 3,828 #REF! RS-232C/422 (Each 1 channel)

XGL-C22A 4720000200 3,828 #REF! RS-232C 2 Channels

XGL-C42A 4720000400 4,040 #REF! RS-422 2 Channels

XGL-EFMF 4720001000 9,109 #REF! Fast Ethernet(Fenet, Optical Cable)

XGL-EFMT 4720000900 9,109 #REF! Fast Ethernet(Fenet, Coaxial Cable)

XGL-EDMF 4720000800 9,109 #REF! Fast Ethernet(FDEnet, Optical Cable)

XGL-EDMT 4720000700 9,109 #REF! Fast Ethernet(FDEnet, Coaxial Cable)

      以上是我们公司对LS的简单介绍,需要请联系:联系方式:021-61294745,手机:13585833243,QQ2355818226 联系人:张志成


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