美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器衍生阅读:过程。 另外的典型应用 食品储运:由于食品储运过程时间并不是一个短期问题,但食品保存中的相对平衡湿度又是保证食品安全的一项重要指标,相对平衡湿度直接影响菌落的生长。例如:在平衡相对湿度为95%RH至91%RH范围内,易于滋生的菌落为沙门氏菌、波林特菌、乳酸菌、霉菌和酵母菌。而食物保存周期也与温度、平衡相对湿度有关,平衡相对湿度值为81%RH的蛋糕,其保质期为27℃时14天、21℃时24天,如果平衡相对湿度提高到85%RH,这些指标将降低为27℃ 时8天、21℃ 时12天。吸湿物质的平衡相对湿度起到了决定性作用。平衡相对湿度定义为物质与空气中水不进行交换情况下,由周围空气获取的湿度值。这个定义很清楚,为了成功地储存和保持这些产品,环境气候的控制及包装必须仔细指明。同时,很多食品的保存在过于干燥情况下,其口感都会有些变坏。针对这种情况,就可以使用ESCORT采集器(温湿度记录仪)实时记录温湿度变化,保证食品安全进入消费者口中
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器
Autoclave Validation System
5年保修 新产品! CE
Autoclave Validation System
OM-CP-AVS150-CERT and OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT:Autoclave Validation System
Enables compliance with
FDA 21 CFR Part 11
Software Calculates Thermal
Resistance in F0
NIST Traceable Calibration Included
Stand Alone, Complete System
No Thermocouple Wires
Digital Calibration Through Software
The OM-CP-AVS150 is a complete system used to perform autoclave validations. The OM-CP-AVS150 consists of a NIST traceable OM-CP-HITEMP-150 data logger, an IP68 extended range thermal shield, an OM-CP-IFC200 USB cable package and FDA 21 CFR part 11 secure software. For larger size autoclaves or mapping projects, the OM-CP-AVS150-5, includes five OM-CP-HITEMP-150’s and five thermal shields. The OM-CP-HITEMP-150 is completely submersible and can measure temperatures up to 150°C (302°F). The 51 mm (2") rigid probe provides a fast response time and can record readings as fast as once per second. The OM-CP-HITEMP-150 can be used in each autoclave cycle for verification and to provide data for validation. When used with the thermal shield the device can withstand up to 250°C (482°F) (time dependent).
The secure software provides data in graphical and tabular form, and provides a summary and statistical report of the data. The software also features sterilization calculations to determine the F0 value. Furthermore the software allows for different user levels and logins, electronic signatures, an audit trail and a secure data file to stand up to auditors.
This device can be started and stopped directly from a computer and their compact design allows them to fit almost anywhere. Data retrieval is simple. Plug the device into an available USB port and our easy-to-use software does the rest. The software converts a PC into a real-time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical and tabular format or exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.
Temperature Sensor: 100Ω platinum RTD
Temperature Range: -40 to 150oC (-40 to 212oF)
Temperature Resolution: 0.05oC
Calibrated Accuracy: ±0.5oC
Start Modes: Software Programmable
Start now
Delay start
Memory: 32,767 readings
Reading Rate: One second up to 12 hours
Calibration: Digital calibration through software
Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device
Battery Type: 3.9V high-temperature lithium battery (included); factory replaceable only
Battery Life: 1 year typical (1 minute reading rate @25oC)
Data Format: Date and time stamped oC, oF, K, oR
Time Accuracy: ±1 minute/month at 20oC (RS232 cable not in use)
Computer Interface: PC serial or USB (interface cable required); 2400 baud
Software: Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Operating Environment: -40 to 150oC (-40 to 302°F), 0 to 100% RH
Body: 28 x 45 mm dia. (1.1 x 1.75")
Probe: 50 x 5 mm dia. (2.0 x 3/16")
OM-CP-HITEMP-150: 225 g (8 oz)
OM-CP-AVS150: 1.72 kg (3.8 lb)
OM-CP-AVS150-5: 3.81 kg (8.4 lb)
Material: 316 stainless steel
(Thermal Shield)
Operating Envionment: -200 to 250°C (-328 to 482°F) time limited, see table on PDF
IP Rating: IP68
Dimensions: 53.3 H x 66 mm dia (2.1 X 2.6")
Weight: 0.3 kg (0.65 lb)
Material: Teflon
产品型号 产品描述
Includes (1) OM-CP-HITEMP-150 data logger with NIST calibration certificate, an extended range thermal shield, OM-CP-IFC200 interface cable, FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Secure Software and IQ/OQ/PQ validation protocols
Includes (5) OM-CP-HITEMP-150 data loggers with NIST calibration certificates, (5) extended range thermal shields, OM-CP-IFC200 interface cable, FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Secure Software and IQ/OQ/PQ validation protocols
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器
OM-CP-AVS150-CERT数据采集器 美国omega
OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT数据采集器 美国omega
OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器 美国omega
OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT采集器 美国omega
OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集 美国omega
OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT采集 美国omega
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT数据采集器
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT数据采集器
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT采集器
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-5-CERT采集
美国omega OM-CP-AVS150-CERT采集器衍生阅读:表; 剪贴板的拷贝和粘贴功能方便用户的参数设置; 多通道数据采集无纸记录仪 多通道数据采集无纸记录仪 直观的上位机管理系统实现真正的远程监控; 允许手动关屏,4阶亮度调节。 词条标签: 电器 , 温度无纸记录仪 温度曲线记录仪 编辑 温度曲线记录仪以独特的打印记录方式和先进的处理器控制技术,具有高记录、高清晰、高精度、高可靠性等功能,且便于操作,是新一代多功能有纸记录仪。 中文名 温度曲线记录仪 外文名 无 类 别 医疗器械 特 点 高记录、高清晰、高精度等 目录 1 曲线记录仪 2 无纸温度记录仪 ? 分类 ? 主要特点 曲线记录仪编辑 温度曲线记录仪最多具有8路输入通道,2路模拟量输出,通道之间采用点点隔离均可直接选择接收多种热电偶、热电阻、压力变送器、电压、电流信号,并可对被测信号进行数字显示及进行趋势记录和数字记录,能在本身打印的100mm宽的纸格上同时记录刻度值、时间及每一个信号的曲线,并将通道号印在各通道的轨迹旁。打印记
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