INET-330 数据采集器 美国omega衍生阅读:都可使用,希望用户一定要成功做完本步骤再做下步骤,不要跳步骤: 将采集设备和LTM8901系列的工作电源都接上,再和多功能数据采集器M9600(或者LTM8662)用屏蔽双绞线连接上,根据现场环境选择输出,RS-485,以太网,zigbee,gprs或者CDMA等都可以。 四:用一台电脑或者工控机,运行ENVIEW软件,输入注册码等即可实时观看温湿度数据,是是温湿度曲线,历史温湿度数据,历史温湿度曲线,还可设置温湿度上下限,如果同时接入短信报警系统LTS-Enview-SMS,可实现短信报警或者铃声报警,同时还可以随时查看现场环境参数。 五.根据用户的需要,整个系统还可以接入风速仪,流量计等标准信号输出设备,同时还可以接入开关量输出,控制排风扇,除湿机等影响现场的温湿度,同时还可以接入开关量输入仪器,比如门禁,烟感LTM882,水浸LTM8761-P等,组成一个综合的环境参数监测控制系统。 六.如果需要接入视频监控,还可以利用视频叠加的方法等接入视频监控系统。 温度数据
INET-330 数据采集器 美国omega
1年保修 CE OmegaCare
instruNet Series Direct Sensor to Data Acquisition
iNET-100:instruNet Series Direct Sensor to Data Acquisition
16个单端/ 8差14位模拟输入,8路模拟量输出和8个数字I / O
inet-240 USB 2控制器卡
166 KS /秒的吞吐量内存或磁盘
包括C,Visual Basic带/图软件和驱动程序,和测试点选择LabVIEW驱动程序都可以。
instruNet provides ten's of microvolts of absolute accuracy instead of ten's of millivolts, at the same cost and at the same throughput rates as typical general purpose data acquisition boards. It does this with a completely different topology where the analog electronics are close to the sensor in electrically quiet boxes outside your PC, and noisy digital electronics are left inside the computer.
The external boxes contain signal conditioning amplifiers for each channel and can directly attach to sensors such as thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs, strain gages, resistance sources, current sources and voltage sources. The box returns engineering units to your PC (e.g. °C, Volts, Amps).
At the heart of the real-time system is a PCI card (WIN XP/VISTA (32-bit)/7 (32-bit), PC-card (WIN XP/VISTA (32-bit)/7 (32-bit) or USB 2.0 (WIN XP SP2/VISTA 32-bit or 64-bit/7 32-bit or 64-bit) controller. Each controller contains a 32 bit microprocessor with 256KB of RAM that manages the external "network" of devices. All real-time tasks are off-loaded to this processor, therefore the host computer is not burdened with real-time issues.
Each instruNet iNET-100 box provides, 16 single-ended/8 differential analog inputs, 8 analog outputs and 8 digital I/O lines. The iNET-100 includes 44 screw terminals. The iNET-100B version adds 16 BNCs for analog inputs.
The controller's themselves provide 10 counter/timer channels each of which can function as a digital input bit, a digital output bit, a clock output channel or a period measurement input channel.
Distributed and Expandable
The instruNet system is ideally suited for distributed measurement and control systems. The network cable can extend up to 1000 feet. Each controller card in the PC can connect to up to 16 instruNet boxes for a total number of 256 analog inputs, 128 analog outputs and 128 digital I/O. For additional inputs, multiple controller cards can be placed in one computer with the maximum number of controller cards limited only by the number of available slots in the computer. Since each controller card has its own microprocessor, multiple cards do not place any additional burden on the computer. It should be noted that multiple instruNet boxes on a single network may degrade the maximum system throughput of 166Ks/sec.
High Current Version (HC)
The INET-100HC is similar to the INET-100, yet the voltage output channels have a higher drive capability, providing up to 15 mA of current to capacitive loads as high as 0.01μF. The INET-100 and INET-100B devices support only 4mA/.001μF voltage output drive. The INET-100HC is recommended for use with sensors that require excitation, such as strain gages, RTDs and thermistors since these sensors may exceed the current or capacitive drive limits of the INET-100 or INET-100B. The INET-100HC provides greater compatibility with sensors that have capacitive loading on the excitation lines, therefore, the HC version is recommended for all sensors requiring excitation including RTDs and thermistors. Since the HC version has a greater power demand, an external power supply must be used. The INET-312-8 can be used to power up to three INET-100HC boxes.
instruNet World, is a FREE application program. It manages, monitors and operates the instruNet system. It digitizes long continuous waveforms, spools them to disk, views incoming waveforms in real-time and then allows post acquisition viewing-much like an oscilloscope or strip chart recorder. instruNet World provides a spreadsheet-like environment where one can set and view channel parameters such as sensor type, integration time, analog filter, and digital filter. Each channel has it's own row in the spreadsheet, with the various options in the columns. instruNet is also compatible with a variety of off-the-shelf software products including TEST Point; Microsoft Excel 8 for Windows, DasyLab and Labtech Notebook (consult the factory for the availability of DasyLab drivers). For users writing their own programs, instruNet includes drivers callable from any 32 bit C compiler, and Visual Basic (v4.0 or greater). The driver includes a main routine, called "iNet( )", that reads or writes any of the options or channels on the system. Optional drivers are also available for LabVIEW software.
InstruNet World Plus Software (for Windows XP/VISTA/7)
InstruNet World Plus Software is an option that adds valuable features to the standard instruNet World software which is included with instruNet hardware. It enables one to digitize, plot, control, analyze, and save to disk A/D, D/A, and digital I/O data from InstruNet hardware. Additionally, it enables one to define their own instrument front panel with buttons, popup menus, edit fields, dynamic text, text editor regions, and waveform graphs. InstruNet World Plus is programmed with a simple scrtpt language that can define tasks such as control loops. For example, one can type "Dac1 = OnOff (Ain1, 3)" to define D/A #1 as a function of A/D #1.
Analog Inputs Number: 16 single-ended/8 differential
Resolution: 14-bit
System Throughput: 166k samples/sec
A/D Conversion Time: 4 μs min
Signal To Noise Ratio: 78 dB
Linearity: Differential ±1.5 LSB; Integral ±2 LSB
Input Overvoltage Protection: ±15 V
Input Impedance: >22 MΩ, 3pf
Common Mode Voltage: ±5 V min (CMR ±80 dB)
Gain and Offset Drift: ±5 ppm/°C of 5 V FSR; offset self calibrated to 0 Thermistor Accuracy/Ranges All OMEGA? 44xxx series thermistors supported. (Contact factory for other thermistors.) One user supplied shunt resistor per thermistor channel is required.
Range Shunt Accuracy
-80 to 40°C 47 kΩ ±0.2°C
0 to 70°C 4.7 kΩ ±0.1°C
0 to 200°C 200Ω ±0.4°C
Analog Outputs Number: 8
Resolution: 8 bit
Output Range: ±5 V @ 5 mA for iNET-100/100B, ±5 V @15 mA for iNET-100HC
Output Protection: Short-to-ground continuous
Output Settling Time: 4μs (to ±1/2 LSB, ±5 V step)
Analog Output Accuracy: ±0.4%
Digital Coupling: ±20 mV
Gain and Offset Drift: ±10 ppm/°C of 5 V FSR; and ±5 μV/°C offset drift
Digital I/O Number: 8 non-latching inputs and 8 latching outputs at 8 bi-directional screw terminals
Input Levels:
VIH = 3.2 V min to 12 V max;
VIL = 1.0 V max to -12 V min
IIH = -200 μA, Vi = 3.2 V;
IIL = -0.5 mA max.
Output Levels:
VOH = 2 V min to 5 V max;
IOH = -0.5 mA max.
IOL = 500 mA max, VO=1.7 V;
IOL = 50 mA max, VO = 0.7 V
产品型号 产品描述
External Boxes
INET-100 instruNet external A/D box with screw terminals
INET-100B instruNet external A/D box with screw terminal and BNC connections
INET-100HC Same as INET-100 with 15 mA excitation current
Controller Cards
iNET-240 USB 2.0 controller for Windows XP SP2//VISTA (32-bit of 64-bit)/7 (32-bit or 64-bit); requires inet-312-8 power supply
INET-200 PCI Bus controller card for Windows 95/NT/98/2000/XP or Macintosh computers
INET-230 PC-Card controller, type II for Windows XP/VISTA (32-bit)/7 (32-bit) (does not provide power, requires iNET-312-8 power supply)
Power Supplies and Accessories
iNET-iWPLUS instruNet World Plus Software. Data acquisition and control software for the instruNet systems. See the Related Links section below for addtional details on instruNet World Plus software.
INET-300 Power adaptor, required if using more than 2 iNET-100/100B boxes or one iNET-100HC boxes with the iNET-200 PCI controller card
INET-330 Optical isolator
INET-340 DIN rail mounting brackets for one INET-100
INET-380 LabVIEW drivers (LabVIEW versions 4-6 currently supported on Windows 98/NT/XP
INET-312-8 Power supply, 110/220 Vac, 5V/2A, ±12V/0.8A, USA plug used with iNET-300/330/230 (powers 3 additional iNET-100HC or 4 additional iNET-100/100B), includes iNET-300 power adaptor
INET-312-8EU Power supply, 110/220 AC, 5V/2A, ±12V/0.8A, Euro plug, used with iNET-300/330/230 (powers 3 additional iNET-100HC or 4 additional iNET-100/100B), includes iNET-300 power adaptor
INET-34W3F 3 ft 34 wire ribbon cable
iNET-CABLE-10ft instruNet cable, 10 ft (3.0 m) length
iNET-CABLE-25ft instruNet cable, 25 ft (7.6 m) length
iNET-CABLE-50ft instruNet cable, 50 ft (15.2 m) length
iNET-CABLE-100ft instruNet cable, 100 ft (30.5) length
OMX-R20 20 Ohm resistor, ±0.1% accuracy
OMX-R100 100 Ohm resistor, ±0.1% accuracy
OMX-R250 250 Ohm resistor, ±1% accuracy
RES-250 250 Ohm resistor, ±0.1% accuracy
OMX-R200 200 Ohm resistor, ±0.1% accuracy
OMX-R1K 1000 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
OMX-R2K 2000 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
OMX-R4.7K 4700 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
OMX-R10K 10,000 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
OMX-R20K 20,000 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
OMX-R47K 47,000 Ohm resistor, ±0.025% accuracy
INET-330 数据采集器 美国omega
INET-330 数据采集器 美国omega衍生阅读:等。 中文名 温度记录仪 外文名 Temperature Logger 基本功能数据传送 测量 编程 分析 记录 分 类 无纸记录仪及有纸记录仪 目录 1 概述 2 发展 3 类型 ? 依据记录和存储方式 ? 依据传感器数量 ? 依据体积和安装方式 ? 依据数据传送方式 ? 依据使用次数 4 温度记录仪的应用 ? 农业中的应用 ? 在运输业的应用 ? 在食品储运行业的应用 5 技术指标 6 型号说明 7 技术参数 概述编辑 英文名称:Temperature Logger 温度记录仪是温度测量仪器——温度计的其中之一。 温度记录仪需具备如下基本功能: 测量:内置温度传感器或可连接外部温度传感器测量温度; 记录存储:自动记录和存储测量的温度值; 数据传送:将保存的测量数据通过某种方式(如RS232、RS485、USB接口等)传送或下载到计算机; 编程:如设置采样速率、数据传送方式和间隔、选择温度传感器类型、报警设置等; 分析:通过自带的软件对温度数据进行必要的分析 发展编辑 早期的温度记录仪都是有纸类型的——
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