CT6102圆形图表记录仪 美国omega记录仪衍生阅读:的实际需求设计生产的,集显示、处理、记录、积算、报警和配电等多种功能于一身的新型记录仪。 杭州美控无纸温度记录仪采用高亮度、宽视角的5.6英寸TFT液晶显示屏,显示清晰明了;采用超大容量的NAND FLASH作为历史数据的存储介质,真正实现无纸记录仪强大的记录功能;按键和旋钮联用使操作更灵活简便,真正符合了工业人员的操作习惯。同时采用CF卡作为外部存储介质,可将需要保存的数据通过CF卡转存至计算机或其它设备中永久保存或打印。 RX4000B无纸记录仪 RX4000B无纸记录仪 分类 随着国内仪表技术的越来越成熟,记录仪的分类也越来越多。记录仪根据打印种类来分:分为温度无纸记录仪和温度有纸记录仪,无纸记录仪可通过U盘或CF卡来转存记录仪中的数据,再到电脑上,通过打印机来打印记录的曲线和数据;有纸记录仪可直接在现场打印,但是这个耗纸比较厉害,一般这些纸张都需要从厂家购买,一年的耗纸量就达到几百元 甚至上千元,所以随着科技的发展,有纸记
CT6102圆形图表记录仪 美国omega记录仪
CT6100 Series
1年保修 CE OmegaCare
CT6100 Series:圆形图表记录仪
可在1笔,2笔 或3笔版本
The CT6100 Series microprocessorbased circular chart recorders are available in 1-, 2-, or 3-channel variants. They combine the simplicity and clarity of pen drawing with the versatility of microprocessor control. Each channel is compatible with all industry-standard sensors and signals, including thermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R, S, and B; Pt100 platinum RTDs; and 4 or 20 mA current loops.
Low and high measurement ranges are provided for each input type; separate range cards are not required. Multi-input versions feature optoelectronic isolation of the input stages to eliminate troublesome installation ground loops. Multislope integrating 16-bit A/D converters ensure precise measurement by sampling the input every 0.5 seconds.
Thermocouple and RTD characteristics are fully linearized. The recorders use automatic cold-junction compensation for thermocouple measurement.
All CT6100 Series models feature alarm relays. Single-pen recorders are equipped with 3 fail-safe singlepole changeover relays; 6 relays are standard on the 2- and 3-pen versions. Color-coded LEDs indicate the status of each relay. All relay functions are user selectable: setpoint values and hysteresis levels are entered directly via the keypad, while relay action and channel assignment are selected from user-friendly menus. Circuit precision is matched by the backlash-free pen-drive mechanism, which has a positioning resolution of better than 0.1%. An integral feedback potentiometer enables closed-loop monitoring of each pen position.
Each recorder uses a low-maintenance stepper motor. The rotation speed of the 244 mm diameter chart is microprocessor controlled and user programmable.
All CT6100 recorders are housed in a strong molded case that can be panel or surface mounted. A gasket-lockable door protects internal components from harsh industrial environments and offers protection rated to NEMA 12 (IP55). A tough acrylic window lets the user view the chart trace, digital channel readings, and alarm status with the recorder's door closed.
Input Types: Thermocouple K, T, J, N, E, B, R, S; Platinum RTD (Pt100) 3-wire; ±2V, +20 Vdc; ±2 mA, ±20 mA
Input Ranges: Thermocouples to BS4937 (type B minimum temp 200°C); RTD to BS1904:1984
Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic; ±0.02°C/°C stability
Input Resistance:
Thermocouple: 10 MΩ
±2 mA: 200 Ω
±20 mA: 20 Ω
±2V, ±20V: >1 MΩ
Min Span: 5°C (9°F), thermocouples K, J, T, E, N and RTD; 50°C (90°F) other thermocouple types, 50 mV, 200 mA
T/C BURN-OUT: Pull-up or pull-down, selectable
RTD Lead Resistance: 3-wire, compensated up to 10 Ω max per lead
Input Protection: ±50 Vdc on signal inputs
Input Isolation: Optoelectronic on 2 and 3 input models 500 Vrms channelto- channel, 500 Vrms channel-to-ground
Sensor/Transmitter Power: 12 or 24 Vdc, 25 mA, selectable; for current loop inputs
RTD, Low Range (-200 to 200°C): ±0.2°C
RTD, High Range (200 to 850°C): ±0.8°C
Thermocouple: ±0.25% FS
Voltage/Current: ±0.2% FS
Temperature Stability: ±0.02% FS/°C
Linearization Accuracy:
T/C Types J, K, T, N, E: ±0.1°C, -50 to 200°C, ±1°C max
T/C Types R and S: ±0.2°C, -50 to 200°C, ±1°C max
T/C Type B: ±1°C max
RTD: ±0.1°C, -200 to 850°C
Calibration Shift: ±10°C user programmable to eliminate sensor errors (T/C and RTD)
Chart and Display
Chart Size: 244 mm (9.6") dia; 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 linear divisions
Chart Drive: DC stepper motor
Chart Speeds: 1 to 24 hours in steps of one hour, 2 to 31 days in steps of 1 day
Writing Method: Disposable ink cartridges; pen 1-red; pen 2-green; pen 3-blue
Pen Positioner: DC stepper motor
Positioning Resolution: >0.1% FS
Response Time: Zero to full scale in 4.5 sec
Pen Lift: Powered, activated from front panel; chart fast time advance possible with pens raised
Display: 2 line x 20 character dot matrix liquid crystal with backlight and automatic temperature compensation; 9.6 mm (0.37") character height
Display Resolution: 0.1°C for temperature inputs, software programmable for voltage/current inputs
Alarm Display: Relay status shown by red and green front panel LEDs Relays
Type: SPDT; 30 Vdc or 250 Vac @ 6 A max; 150 W DC, 1660 Vac non-inductive
Action: Software selectable from: high alarm/low alarm/deviation alarm/control relay (high)/control relay (low); relays de-energize in alarm state; assignable to any channel
Hysteresis: User programmable 0.0% to 10% span
Snubber Network: 22 nF and 100 Ω across each contact
Analog Output (Option)
Type: 0 to 20/4 to 20 mA; assignable to any channel; range selectable within any segment of chart range
Resolution: 12-bit
Compliance: 20V approx
Isolation: Optoelectronic
Action: direct or reverse General
Security: 3-level software lock including password protection, internal hardware jumper lock, lockable door
Power: 115 or 230 Vac ±10%, switch
selectable, 50/60Hz: terminal block connection
Power Requirements: <25 W
Operating Ambient: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F), 0 to 90% RH (non condensing)
Case: Steel, with glass-filled polyester resin door with acrylic window
Protection: NEMA 12 (IP55)
Mounting: Panel or surface
Dimensions: 336 W x 396 H x 171 mm D (13.2 x 15.6 x 6.7")
Weight: From single pen: 7 kg (15.4 lb)
to three pen: 7.7 kg (17.0 lb)
Panel Cutout: 288 W x 356 mm H (11.3 x 14.0")
产品型号 产品描述
CT6101 1-pen recorder with 3 relays and transmitter PS
CT6102 2-pen recorder with 6 relays and transmitter PS
CT6103 3-pen recorder with 6 relays and transmitter PS
CT6100-RED Red pens, pack of 3
CT6100-GREEN Green pens, pack of 3
CT6100-BLUE Blue pens, pack of 3
CT6100-0-100/24H 100 chart papers, 24 hours
CT6100-0-100/31D 100 chart papers, 31 days
CT6102圆形图表记录仪 美国omega记录仪
CT6102圆形图表记录仪 美国omega记录仪衍生阅读: 三:第二步之所以称“网络设备”而不称电脑的网络口或交换机的网络口是因为这两种设备都可使用,希望用户一定要成功做完本步骤再做下步骤,不要跳步骤: 将采集设备和LTM8901系列的工作电源都接上,再和多功能数据采集器M9600(或者LTM8662)用屏蔽双绞线连接上,根据现场环境选择输出,RS-485,以太网,zigbee,gprs或者CDMA等都可以。 四:用一台电脑或者工控机,运行ENVIEW软件,输入注册码等即可实时观看温湿度数据,是是温湿度曲线,历史温湿度数据,历史温湿度曲线,还可设置温湿度上下限,如果同时接入短信报警系统LTS-Enview-SMS,可实现短信报警或者铃声报警,同时还可以随时查看现场环境参数。 五.根据用户的需要,整个系统还可以接入风速仪,流量计等标准信号输出设备,同时还可以接入开关量输出,控制排风扇,除湿机等影响现场的温湿度,同时还可以接入开关量输入仪器,比如门禁,烟感LTM882,水浸LTM8761-P等,组成一个综合的环境参数监测控制系统
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