产品价格:0 元(人民币) 上架日期:2014年3月25日 产地:美国 发货地:上海 (发货期:当天内发货) 供应数量:不限 最少起订:1个 浏览量:175 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载:
DEMA’s high pressure valves are designed for pressures from 10 psi up to 1200 psi, are available for 3/8-1” pipes, have orifices from 11/32-15/16” and are intended for use with water only. They operate the same as a pilot operated valve except the pilot port is in a separate chamber from the piston. This allows the plunger to operate closer to the top plug with more force and consequently higher opening pressure.
* – Stainless Steel Piston
** – Stainless Steel Piston and Stainless Steel Sleeve