详细说明 |
品牌:德美特 | 产地:浙江永嘉 | 价格:100人民币/台 | 规格:GD | 简要说明: 德美特牌的GD|GD-J|GDQ|GDQ-J|气动真空挡板阀|手动真空挡板阀产品:估价:100,规格:GD,产品系列编号:齐全 | |  | | 详细介绍:
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GD型-高真空挡板阀 |
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GD型高真空挡板阀用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。适用介质为纯净空气和非腐蚀性气体。高真空挡板阀按轴封结构可分GD-J型橡胶轴封和GD-J(b)型波纹管轴封两种。按通导形式可分GD-J为角通型式,GD-S为带预抽口的三通型式。 |
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High Vacuum Flapper Valve |
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GD high vacuum flapper valve is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pipeline. Applicable medium can be pure air and noncorrosive gases. According to its shaft seal structure, high vacuum flapper valve is classified into GD-J rubber shaft seal type and GD-J(b)bellows shaft seal type. According to its put-through type, it is classified into GD-J angle type and GD-S three-way type with prepumping. |
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Main Technical Performance |
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适用范围:Applicability |
105~1.3×10-5Pa(轴封为波纹管) |
阀门漏率:Valve Leak Rate |
≤1.3×10-5Pa.L/S.(轴封为波纹管) |
适用温度:Applicable Temperature |
-30~+150℃(氟橡胶) |