详细介绍: 详细介绍:
厦门锡尔摩电气有限公司座落在美丽鹭岛厦门经济特区市中心地带,是一家以工业自动化为主营,融科、工、贸于一体,专业从事自动化控制系统及智能配电系统 DCS备件销售,生产各种规格配电柜、控制柜、双电源自动切换柜等服务和代理销售各类进口名牌电气及自动化产品的民营高新技术企业。公司以“优质高效,诚 信双赢”为宗旨,与国内外众多厂商建立了良好合作关系,我们真诚的希望能与各贵司开展多方合作。以下是我司代理和经销产品的部分明细。
公司主营 (优势)产品内容.充足库存,交货期快,欢迎您来电查 询!!!
一、英维思福克斯波罗 Invensys Foxboro I/A Series系统:FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
二、英维思ESD系统 Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的最现代化的容错控制器。
三、ABB:Bailey INFI 90,工业机器人备件DSQC系列等。
四、西屋Westinghouse: OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
五、霍尼韦尔Honeywell:DCS系统备件模件、HONEYWELL TDC系列, QCS,S9000等备件。
七、罗克韦尔Allen Bradley Rockwell: 1745/1756/ 1771/ 1785、Reliance瑞恩 等产品。 八、XYCOM:XVME-103、XVME-690、VME总线等备件
十一、摩托罗拉Motorola:MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177、VME系列。
十三、西门子Siemens:Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
十四、博士力士乐Bosch Rexroth:Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
十五、HP:工作站、服务器、HP 9000 工作站、HP 75000 系列备件、HP VXI 测试设备等。
十七、MELEC: 驱动器、驱动板、伺服驱动器、伺服控制器、马达驱动卡等。
十八、网域Network Appliance:数据储存模块。 ABB A-B-PLC ADAPTEC ADVANTEST Allen-Bradley ANELVA AVALDATA DCTODC FOXBOROI/A Honeywell TDC系列 Honeywell S9000 KAWASAKI Mitsubishi PLC Motorola MVME SIEMENS S5 SIEMENS S7 SIEMENS TI YOKOGAWA YOKOHAMA BERGER LAHR TEL-P8 SANYO DENKI SANYO DENKI NIPPON(UPS)福克斯波罗系统FOXBORO 美国GE系统备件 施耐德系统模块欧姆龙 莫迪康CPU模块 福禄克FLUKE 法那科FANUC ControILogix系统PLC 德国费斯托FESTO:气驱动器及附件、伺服定位系统、电驱动器、马达和控制器、阀岛及总线系统、传感器及压力开关 气动连接系统、控制技术和软件、等其它DCS备件模块!!
公司网址: www.xemplc.com
联系人:朱功鑫 销售经理手机:18065928825
传真:0592-5579207 QQ: 1836842509 EMAIL:xemplc@163.com
6636850A1 Bailey Management Command System Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637033A MCS CPU Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6637033A3 MCS CPU Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6637258A1 Disk Drive ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637446A7 Memory Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637446A9 Memory Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637460-A30N Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637597A24100 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637813C1 IEPEP03 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637814A2 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
6637814C1 AC Bus Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637826B1 AC Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 Ask
6637826E1 AC Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
6637827B1 AC Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 21
6637829D1 Bus Monitor Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6637830A1 Bus Monitor Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6637830E1 Bus Monitoring Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
6637830G1 Bus Monitoring Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 22
6638238F1 OIS Input Distribution Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
6638514A1 Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
6638553A5 OIS Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 Ask
6638553A6 OIS Power Supply Assembly ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6638553V5 OIS Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 Ask
6638716A1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6639030L2 OIS Keyboard Interface Assembly ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6639490A1 IEPEP03 Power Entry Panel - Special Dimensions ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6639890A1 Standard Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 Ask
6639890A2 Standard Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 Ask
6640347A1 OIS Card File ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
6641684A21 with Floppy Operator Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6641684A21 without Floppy Operator Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6642016A2 Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6642016D2 External Relay Panel Termination Unit ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6642425E1 Backplane Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6644177A11 Harmony DC Output Assembly ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
677B943U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Communication Cable 2.5 ft. MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
677B943U02 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Communication Cable 5 ft. MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
677B943U03 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Communication Cable 25 ft. MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
677B943U04 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Communication Cable 40 ft. MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
682A550U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Single Analog Module MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
682A550U02 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Dual Analog Module MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
682A551U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 2DI/2DO Option Module MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
682A552U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 RS-422/485 Comm. Module MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
682A552U02 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 RS-232 Comm. Module MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
686B622U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Comm. Interface Board (ITB) MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
686B720U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 RS422/485 Terminal Board (ITB) MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
686B736U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Power Supply 120/220VAC MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
698B235U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Display/Controller Complete Assy MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
698B239U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 Controller to PC Cable MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
698B240U01 53SL6000 Micro-Mite 53SL6 RS422/485 & RS232 to PC Cable MicroMod Micro-DCI Available
6FX1821-0BX13-4B Sinumerik Memory Module Siemens Sinumerik Ask
6GK1243-0SA00 CP2430 CP2430 AS Inferface Module Siemens Simatic S5 4
6MT12-40AL AC Output Texas Instruments 22
70 AA 02a-E HESG 446433 R1 70 AA 02a-E Analog Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 50
70 AB 01b-E HESG 446867 R2, HESG446867R0002 70AB01b-E Digital Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 78
70 AS 04b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 04b-E Motor Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 06a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 06a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 AS 32a-E HESG 332121 R1 70 AS 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 4
70 AS 40b-E HESG332140R1 70 AS 40b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 41b-E 70AS41b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 AS 45b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 45b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 13
70 AS 46b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 46b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 32
70 AS 47b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 47b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 62a-E HESG332112R1, 70AS06a-E 70 AS 62a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 AS 67a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 67a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 6
70 BA 01b HESG 446421 R2 70 BA 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 13
70 BK 02a-E HESG 332077 R1 70 BK 02a-E Bus Coupling Module ABB Procontrol P13 5
70 BL 02C HESG 332157 R2 70 BL 02C Cable ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BL 30a HESG 446528 R1 70 BL 30a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BL 31a HESG 332123 R3 70 BL 31a Cable ABB Procontrol P13 3
70 BT 01b HESG 446998 R1 70 BT 01b Bus Transfer Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BV 01a-EV2 HEIE 421327 R2, HEIE421327R0002 70BV01a-E V.2 Bus Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 BV 01b-E HESG 446421 R1 70 BV 01b-E Bus Module ABB Procontrol P13 37
70 EA 01a-E HESG 446220 R1, HESG446220R0001 Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EA 01b-E HESG 447038 R1 70 EA 01b-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EA 02a-E HESG 446409 R1 70EA02a-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 43
70 EA 03a-E HESG 446680 R1, HESG446680R0001 70 EA 03a-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 EA 04a-E HESG 446542 R1 70 EA 04a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EA 04b-E HESG 447103 R1 70 EA 04b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EB 01a GJR2311900R2 Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 5
70 EB 01b-E HESG 447005 R2 70EB01b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 3
70 EB 02b-E HESG 446889 R4 70 EB 02b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 56
70 EB 03a HESG 446729 R1 70 EB 03a Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 ER 01a HESG 446457 R1 70 ER 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 FA 01A HESG 223063 R1 70 FA 01A Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 FA 01b HESG 223140 R1 70 FA 01b Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 FK 01b HESG 447016 R1 70 FK 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 15
70 FK01a HESG446048R1 70FK01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 3
70 FV 01a-E HESG 332101 R1 70 FV 01a-E Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 PR 02a-E HEIE 310247 R1 70 PR 02a-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 7
70 PR 03b-E HESG 223059 R2 70PR 03b-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 PR 03c-E HESG 223150 R1 Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SK 30b-E HESG 446775 R1 70 SK 30b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SK 31b-E HESG 447060 R1 70 SK 31b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 32a-E HESG 446706 R1 70 SK 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R2 70 SK 33b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 34b-E HESG 446760 R2 70 SK 34b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SK 36b-E HESG 446959 R1 70 SK 36b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 37b-E HESG 446764 R2 70 SK 37b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SL 01a HESG 332043 R1 70 SL 01a Simulator Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 VV 01a HESG 447043 R1 70 VV 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 WA 01a-E HESG 446707 R1 70 WA 01a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 12
70 WB 01a HESG 446532 R1 70 WB 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 28
70AA01a-E HESG 446212 R1 70AA01a-E Analog Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70AA02B-E HESG447388R0001 Output Module for Current Signals ABB Procontrol P13 3
70AB01C-ES HESG447224R0002 Output mod.f.binary ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70AB02B-E HESG446933R0002 Output Module with Contacts ABB Procontrol P13 5
70AS06B-E HESG332187R0001 Motor control Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BA01C-S HESG447260R0002 Bus End Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BA02B HESG446993R0001 Bus Termination ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK02B-E HESG332160R0001 Local Bus/Intra-Plant Bus Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK02C HESG332209R0001 Bus Connection ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK03B-E HESG447271R0001, HESG447271R1 Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK03B-ES HESG447271R0001 Bus Coupling Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK03C-E HESG447440R0001 Bus Coupling Module RS232 ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BK06A-ES HESG332194R0001 Bus Coupling Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BL01C-S HESG223168R0024 Backplane for Rack's, 24-slots ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BL02D-S HESG332181R0001 Connection Cable Rack to Rack ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BL32A HESG446814R0001 Connection Adapter ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BT01C Bus Transmitter ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BV01C-ES HESG 447260 R1, HESG447260R0001 70BV01C-ES Bus traffic director ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BV05A-E HESG447245R0001 Bus Traffic Director ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70BV05A-ES HESG447433R0001 Bus traffic director ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EA02A-ES HESG447308R0001 Input Module for 2-Wire Transmitters (x4) ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EA05A-E HESG447419R0001 Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EA06A-E HESG447398R0020 Input Module analog ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EB02C-ES HESG447220R0004 Input Module for Contacts (x16) ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EB10A-E HESG332143R0001,HESG332143R1 Input Module for Seq. of Event ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EB20A-E HESG332161R0001 Input Module for Binary Sign ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70EI05A-E HESG447427R0001 Input Module for Speed Sensor ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70FV01B-E HESG332164R0001 Intra-Plant Bus Traffic Director ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70LR01A HESG447449R0001 Relay Module for Protect., 2 NO ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70MB01B-24T HESG223162R0001 Rack for Microcomputer ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70MB02B-31T HESG223163R0001 Rack for Microcomputer ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70PR 03d-E HESG223170R1 70PR03d-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70PR03D-ES HESG223170R0001 Programmable Controller ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70PR05B-ES HESG332204R0001 Programmable Processor ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70SK06 GMMR202615R0001 Programming Module, Basic.o.PC ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70SK35A HESG446694R0001 Output Module f. Voltage Signals ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70SL05A HESG332188R0001 Test Module for Signals ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70SP02B HESG223097R0001 Test memory ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70SS01C HESG223135R0001 Simulation memory ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70ST01A HESG446526R0001 Control Module for Test Funct. ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70VA01A-E HESG223073R0001 Power Supply Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70VA01B-E HESG223147R0001 Power Supply Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
72AF Telebyte Short Haul Modem ABB Taylor MOD 30 1
74S1232-2 MOD 30 Local Control Panel Front Panel Assy. MicroMod Taylor MOD 30 Available
75P346 1700J, 1701J MOD 30 Recorder Belt MicroMod Taylor MOD 30 Available
8025 100 8025100 Module Kent Industrial 2
8060 300 8060-300 Compensator Module Kent 5
8061 100 8061-100 Amplifier Module Kent 4
82s1 1700J, 1701J MOD 30 Recorder - Thermal Chart Paper MicroMod Taylor MOD 30 Available
936-026-101 PSBDE Power Supply Satt Control - Alfa Laval 22
936-032-001 PS-31-10 Power Supply. ABB SattControl 3
940-002-303 Rack Satt Control - Alfa Laval 1
940-119-111 ROM30 Memory Module ABB SattControl 1
940-120-221 RAM30T 128K Satt Control - Alfa Laval 1
940-120-321 RXM31T Memory Module ABB SattControl 4
940-122-101 Input Module Satt Control - Alfa Laval 7
940-128-101 IDPG Module ABB SattControl 2
940-128-102/5ED IDPG Digital Input Board ABB SattControl 8
940-130-102 IDPG SattControl Module ABB SattControl 1
940-143-111 ICA ICA Module ABB SattControl Ask
940-143-201 IBA Analog Input Board ABB SattControl 24
940-171-201 Digital Output Board ABB SattControl 41
940-171-201/0ED 0DPG.8 Digital Output Board ABB SattControl 4
940-176-102 ORG 24V Module ABB SattControl 1
940-176-103 ORG24 Relay Output Board ABB SattControl 54
940-181-103 OCAH Analog Output Board, ABB SattControl 4
940-185-101 Output Module Satt Control - Alfa Laval 9
940-195-101 Output Module Satt Control - Alfa Laval 2
940-215-001 SattControl Module ABB SattControl 4
940-311-002 SLS SLS Processor ABB SattControl 10
940-311-002/6 SLS SLS Processor ABB SattControl 1
940305001/9EF PBAD Module ABB SattControl Ask
940305001/9EH PBAD Module ABB SattControl Ask
941-119-111 ROM30 Module 512K Satt Control - Alfa Laval Ask
942-101-002 CPU Module ABB SattControl 2
942-103-002 CU63 BPU CU63 BPU Module ABB SattControl 2
942-104-002 SLM60 SLM60 Module ABB SattControl 1
942-104-002/4 SLM Module ABB SattControl 1
942-109-001 Satt Module ABB SattControl 2
942-119-002 Abb ABB SattControl 2
942-120-001 RAM60 RAM60 Memory Module ABB SattControl 2
942-120-002 RAM60 RAM60 Memory Module ABB SattControl 2
961-102-102 CU33 CPU Module ABB SattControl 3
961-108-001 Satt Module ABB SattControl 4
961-122-001 CU31 Module Satt Control - Alfa Laval 2
969-102-001 CPU Add On ABB SattControl 20
970-102-003 CU10 Processor Module ABB SattControl 1
976-001-003 SC 05-10B Satt Control OP Panel Satt Control - Alfa Laval Ask
976-030-001 SC05-30 SattCon 05-30 ABB SattControl 1
AAT 451a HESG 216092 R1, HESG216092R0001 AAT451a Output Amplifier Module ABB 1
ABC-PDP 3AFE64669222 AnyBus Communicator for Profibus-DP ABB 1
ACH-CP-B Advanced Control Panel ABB ABB Drives Ask
ACH401-6020-3-2 ACH400 Standard HVAC Drive ABB ABB Drives 1
ACH550-01-06A9-4+B055 ABB HVAC Drive 380-480V Input/Output ABB ABB Drives 2
ACH550-UH-04A6-2 HVAC Drive - 3 HP ABB ABB Drives 1
ACS-CP-A ABB Advanced Control Panel for ACS Drives ABB ABB Drives 4
ACS-PAN-A Drive Operator Keypad ABB ABB Drives Ask
ACS100-PAN Display Keypad ABB ABB Drives 7
ACS143-1K6-3-U ABB ACS 143 Drive 380-480 V Input/ 0-300Hz Output ABB ABB Drives 7
ACS143-2K7-3 Frequency Drive ABB ABB Drives 1
ACS143-4K1-3 2.2 KW AC Drive ABB ABB Drives 1
ACS143-4K1-3-U ACS 143 Drive ABB ABB Drives 4
ACS301-4P9-3 ACS 300 AC Drive - 5 HP ABB ABB Drives 1
ACS350-01E-02A4-2 ABB IP 20 Drive 1/2HP; .37 KW ABB ABB Drives 1