数字式输出系列---- Digital Interfaces series
RXM 22 series: Electromagnetic mini-encoders with contactless read-out sensors and without internal moving parts, for economical solutions within instrumentation and automation equipment。K58系列:绝对型编码器配置高精度光敏元件,分别率可达 16位/圈,提供并行输出、同步串行输出和 PROFIBUS总线输出;
K58 series: Absolute encoders with high-tech optical sensor, with resolutions up to 16 Bits per 360°.They are available with parallel, serial (SSI) and PROFIBUS interfaces.CBE系列: 13位单圈编码器,可提供提供并行输出、同步串行输出,多种法兰形式,轴负载可达 250N;
CBE series: Single turn encoders featuring 13 Bits resolution (8192 positions per 360° and parallel or serial outputs. Items with 3600 positions (1/10 resolution) are also available. CRE 系列: 多圈编码器,分辨率13位/圈;(可选8192脉冲/圈,3600脉冲/圈,并行或串行输出) 为连接轴可选配多种法兰,轴负载可达250N。
CRE series: Multi turn encoders featuring 13 Bits resolutions (8192 positions per 360° and measuring range of 4096 revolutions with parallel or serial outputs. Various flange configurations for shaft loads up to 250 N are available. CRS/CRL系列: TWK公司经典的 INTERBUS总线输出编码器,总输出量可达 25位,强大灵活的可编程设计满足个性化需要;
CRS/CRL series: The classical InterBus encoders with a total capacity of 25 Bits, programmable via the bus network.
CRD系列:高能量的DP-Slave Class 2 PROFIBUS编码器配置后端连接帽或侧处旋转接头,与其他C系列编码器一样,其轴向负载达250N;
CRD series: The robust DP-Slave Class 2 PROFIBUS encoders either with rear connecting cap or with lateral round connector. Alike all the C-series encoders they carry axial and radial shaft loads up to 250 N. CRD/W+H系列:符合DESINA安装系统要求的绝对式编码器,可选择光纤或铜缆进行数据传输,提供PROFIBUS 输出界面;
CRD/W + H series: Absolute encoders for use within the DESINA installation system, featuring either fiber optical or copper data transmission lines and Han-Brid connectors, with PROFIBUS interfaces. CRN系列:支持CAN "pur", CANopen or DeviceNet三种CAN总线输出及多种布线装置;
CRN series: Three different versions of CAN encoders with CAN "pur", CANopen or DeviceNet interfaces and various connection layouts. CRF/CRP系列:支持PC和手持式计算机的多圈可编程编码器,多种输出界面以满足各种特殊应用需求;
CRF and CRP series: Programmable multiturn encoders for configuration either by PC or handhold programmer. Many output features can be chosen to fit specific application requirements. S系列:在 C系列的基础上增加不锈钢外壳以满足恶劣工况的要求,如海洋设备;化工设备和食品加工行业等;
S-series: The C-Series encoders can be supplied with stainless steel housings for use within aggressive ambiance (harbour and naval equipment, chemical plants, food industry etc.).
GIM 5000 series: Electro-magnetic incremental encoders with Hall sensors are available with 700 different resolutions up to 5320 counts per revolution. LC57系列:绝对式线性位置传感器,行程可达1500mm,有格雷码、自然二进制码和BCD等编码器方式可选,配备外置永磁执行器;
LC 57 series: Absolute coded linear displacement transducers for strokes up to 1500 mm (Gray, natural binary or BCD) with external permanent magnet actuator. MP/MS系列:MAGNOSENS磁阻线性位移传感器提供SSI、PROFIBUS-DP和CANOPEN总线输出;
MP and MS series: MAGNOSENS magnetorestrictive linear displacement transducers with, SSI, Profibus-DP or CANopen interfaces. SWF、SWG及SWH系列:强固型电缆式位移及角度转换器,测量范围达60mm,适用于增量型或绝对型编码器;
SWF, SWG, SWH series: Very robust cable type displacement/angle converters formeasuring ranges up to 60 m and for fitting absolute and incremental encoders. ZMA系列:齿带式位移/角度转换器适用于增量型及绝对型编码器,可将直线运动转换为旋转运动;
ZWA series: Toothed-belt-type displacement/angle converter for fitting to absolute or incremental encoders and for converting a translational movement into a rotary movement.
模拟量输出系列-----Analogue Interfaces series
RAX 36 series: Electro-magnetic single turn transducers featuring 36 mm diameter and output signals of 0 to 10 VDC or 0(4) to 20 mA.
KDS/KDK 580系列:直径为58mm的电磁式单圈传感器,可提供0-10VDC及0(4)-20mA输出;
KDS/KDK 580 series: Electro-optical single turn transducers featuring 58 mm diameter and output signals of 0 to 10 VDC or 0(4) to 20 mA.
DAB/DAF系列:旋转式光电传感器,可提供1-4096的分辨率, 输出为0-10VDC及0(4)-20mA;
DAB/DAF series: Electro-optical rotary transducers for featuring ranges from 1 to 4096 revolutions and with output signals 0 to 10 VDC or 0(4) to 20 mA.
IW10/101 系列:微型感应式传感器,量程达15mm,并附外部励磁模块;
IW 10/101 series: Miniature inductive transducers and gauges for ranges up to 15 mm and for excitation by external modules
IW150 系列:校准感应式传感器,量程达15mm,精度为0.25%或0.5%,无限分辨率,无磁滞,可支持弹簧复位连接或球窝接头;
IW 150 series: Calibrated inductive transducers with integral electronics and with ranges up to 15 mm. They can be fitted either with spring returns or with ball joints. IW120系列:感应式线性传感器,量程最大可达200 mm,外部电路励磁,可支持弹簧复位连接或球窝接头;
IW 120 series: Inductive linear transducers for strokes up to 200 mm and for excitation be external electronics. They can be fitted either with spring returns or with ball joints.
IWM 12/300 series: Inductive transducers with pressure proof housings and external mounting threads, either with integral calibrated electronics or for external excitation.
IW 250/260 series: Inductive transducers for ranges up to 360 mm and with calibrated output signals of 0 to 10 VDC or 0 (4) to 20 mA. Options are spring returns, ball joints and/or protective guide tubes. OA/OD/UN系列:可灵活配置振荡器、解调器和放大器的感应换能器,可以分散供应或PC卡集成;
OA/OD/UN series: Oscillator, demodulator, amplifies modules of different configuration for the excitation of inductive transducers. They can be supplied either as separate items or on PC card.
RP 13/RH33 系列:电位式线性传感器配置高寿命导电塑料,能适应苛刻工况,测量行程可达1000mm;
RP 13/RH 33 series: Potentiometric linear transducers with long life conductive plastic resistive elements, for measuring strokes up to 1000 mm. PMR系列:经济型旋转电位计适用于汽车电子等领域,防水、耐高温、防油及防冻性能较高;
PMR series: : Low cost rotary potentiometers for automotive and similar application, withstanding water, fuel, oil and antifreeze agents.