详细介绍: GI型高真空蝶阀用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。高真空蝶阀适用介质为纯净空气和非腐蚀性气体。
GI High Vacuum Butterfly Valve
GI high vacuum butterfly valve is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pipline. Applicable medium can be pure air and noncorrosive gases.
Materials of Main Parts
Body, bonnet and stem: carbon steel or stainless steel
Sealing element: NBR, Viton
高真空蝶阀主要技术性能 Main Technical Performance
适用范围: 105 ~1.3×10-4 Pa
阀门漏率: ≤1.3×10-4 Pa.L/S
适用温度: -25~+80℃(丁腈橡胶);-30~+150℃(氟橡胶)
安装方向: 任意