详细介绍: .6/1kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆
XLPE Insulated Power Cable
产品标准 standard
本产品按GB12706《额定电压35KV铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》标准生产,同时还可根据用户需要按国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC、英国标准、德国标准及美国标准生产。The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706、IEC.BS,DINICEA upon request.
适用范围 Applications
The product is suitable for use in power distribution lines or fixed installations with rated power- frequency voltage up toincluding 0.6/1Kv.
使用特性 Operating characteridtles
Rated power –frequency voltage UO/U为0.6/1KV。
Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃.
Max.short –circuit temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250℃(5s maximum duration ).
The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0℃.
The bending radius should not less than 15 times of cable diameter
公司名称:天津市电缆总厂第一分厂 销售部总经理:毕敬轩 办公室电话:0316-5962862 0316-5962565 24小时热线:15075601499 13230666227 http://mhyav.cn http://hya.net.cn http://hyat22.com http://mhyvr.net http://kvvp2.cn http://www.mhya32.com.cn
http://kvv32.com http://www.mhyvp.su-liao.com
http://www.mhyv.cc.c-ps.net http://corp.etlong.com/10059/
http://www.ptya23.org http://www.mhyvrp.net
http://www.mhyv.eb80.com http://www.djypvp.com
组织机构代码证:10950374-4 CCC 认证编号:2003010105102124 营业执照注册号:1310251400055 汇 款 帐 号:91608040020110001507 开 户 行:河北省大城县刘固献农村信用合作社 |