





    SCHUNK ZHU 16 Nr.9939382
    发布者:bogu88  发布时间:2017-03-15 18:00:12  访问次数:64

    上海铂固原装进口欧洲工控产品 超快物流 特价供应    


    Knoll    MX10S-10/20
    GEFRAN     2400-0-W-4R-0-1
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    4565999,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    46222001,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    4565999,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    ,4510023,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    4410001,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    45100281,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    4510122,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Buehler?technologies?GmbH    4142699,,,,,,,Buehler?technologies?GmbH
    Woertz?    2863
    Woertz?    43742
    Woertz?    43744
    Woertz?    30965/482
    Woertz?    30965/580
    Woertz?    30965/780
    Woertz?    30965/980
    Woertz?    21075
    Woertz?    21234
    ortlinghaus    1999-111-39-009000
    ortlinghaus    1999-111-63-002000
    ortlinghaus    8600-016-10-219000
    ortlinghaus    8600-016-10-220000
    KEB    15F5C1E-350A
    KEB    09F5B1B-3A0A
    KEB    05F5B1B-3B0A
    Mafac    30001295+30006384+30006388
    Mafac    mafac machine info:11.536.921
    HYDRAULIK    A10V O100 DFR1/31R PSC12N00 -SO116;Ident-Nr.00928866;Fabr.Nr.1695176
    ELSTER GROUP    QA40 25 GI
    ELSTER GROUP    QA25 25 GI
    foxboro    SRI986-CIDF7ZZZNA
    harting    09 15 000 0122
    harting    09 15 000 6101
    harting    09 15 007 3021
    Metal Work    CODE:1210500160CN
    Metal Work    CODE:1210500250CN
    LINDAB    DRSNR_160
    LINDAB    LRTR_160_1500
    LINDAB    SB_160
    Alfa Laval    CB110-32M-F Item No:32871 5650 5
    EGE    LLKS-1000-BE
    EGE    ULLE 030 VS
    EGE    ULLS 030 VS
    danfoss Bauer    "3~Mot No M1975780-1 TypeBG10-11/D06LA4-TF-G-K/E003B4 0.18KW
    MAXITROL    Serie HF 2000 Type: GF125MF-DN125 DIN Pimax.: 4 bar
    coax    5-VMK 15 NC 54 15C1 3/4BD 24R 40B(Art Nr528512) G 3/4 , 24VDC, 0-40Bar 315257-01
    Rexroth    MNR:7472A09632 FD:88423;CDT3MT2/50/36/400F11/X21HXUXWW/F09 000140150241
    HBM    S40A-100KG type RM4220 distribution amplifier
    HILGE     EURO-HYGIA-I-BLOC-SUPER Q:3.0m3/h H:25m P:1.5kw n:2900min1
    baldor    35J967Y705
    EVA PUMP     SVD65*50 SCM CO(5.5KW ,with knife )300l/min&0.15MPa
    BAUER    No. M 25317408-1 A/173G3344;Type BS02-14U/D04LA4
    BAUER    No. M 1900220.5;Type BS02-14U/D04LA8
    tox    354375
    GUDEl     ribbon reflex 78*5000 Nr: 10136187
    aeg    2P 690-200 HF
    Elster    Type A2-Rb-Ti-1
    EISENBERGER     2SN20-900/Typ462-16DN20
    HUNGER    GDSI 150*165.1*5.8
    KOBOLD    KSK-1150BK2000
    acu.rite    29.281
    TRAFOX    XC2500-380+-5%/220
    HSB Automation GmbH    Beta 80-C-ZSS-32AT10-210-1325-1805-AK-AZ6-GX/D-2EO10-1;Snr.56773
    T&R     Linear encoder 450mm -LA66-K-DP Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. The incremental encoder -IS99 Ser.Nr.7-230-743-102
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder 100M 103-00721 -CE Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder 100M 103-86340 -CE
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder Art.Nr:110-00636 -CE-65M Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Absolute value encoder -AE-100
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder Ser.Nr 7-230-000-226 -AE100M Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder Art.Nr:110-00636 -CE65M
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder -CEV65M-01460 Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder MAX4096 -CE65M
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder -CEV65M-01542 Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder ART.CMH58M-00006 -CMH58M
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Absolute value encoder PROFIBUS, -CH58M Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. The incremental encoder -IS99 Ser.Nr.7-230-743-102
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Encoder -IE-58-A*1024 Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder -IH-76*1024
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Coupling -CPS15-2 14/14 Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Encoder -IH-76*1024
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    T&R     Code Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup. Head connecting line code
    T&R     Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.
    Bdtronic    pump drives:with tacho 50:1,order no:114787
    Bdtronic    202399,0-40bar
    Bdtronic    excentric screw pump 0.8ml/rew ,order no:229732
    EFD    N0107152 CAP 1230I,mod,2x8uf/315v+4uf
    EFD    N0105245 HHT125S1-2X11T-3C/10
    DEUBLIN GmbH     Rotating union 1129-718-480
    ABB    DescriptionTHERMAL SENSOR KTY-2K-M4-1000MM Type DesignationZ/BV70-1000MM ABB OyProduct Support Finland
    SIEI    AVY1030-KBX,400V 3KW
    VIPA    62I-IEEA-CA touchpanel TP608C 608-3B4G1-CMA
    Herzog    7-0953-293860-3
    lutze    lutze 701583
    schmalz    SEM-C 25 SD NC AS VD
    fireye    MG100LB4-28FF215-H3 2.2KW 1450R/MIN
    Hainbuch    clamping head type:SK80BZIG D80
    Hainbuch    clamping head type:SK80BZIG D15
    Hainbuch    clamping head type:SK80BZIG D75
    bartec    excentric screw pump 0.8ml/rew ,or

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